Title: The Words of Marilyn Monroe
Pairing/Group: JoonMi
Authors note: To
weerainbow . Sorry it took me so long.. >_< I originally had a different fic for you but I have a writers block on it... =/ and don't know if I could ever finish it... its like 1000 words of nothing -_-;; so I wrote this one for you instead. Hope you like it <333
Summary: A wise girl
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and marilyn monroe spoke wise words, in my opinion. XD
And I agree with you, Marilyn Monroe did. I was looking through her quotes and I love a lot of them <3
and it wasn't super angsty. or perhaps i've been through angstier (lol. that is so not a word) stuff so that angst just couldn't compare.
hmm I guess the angst kinda depends on the person and not the situation, like how its handled. (haha and we'll just say angstier is a word.. >_> though my comp is tell me its not. )
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