(no subject)

Sep 14, 2015 23:32

We were taught notions of what love and romance is, and what it represents. Take a moment to think these were created to falsely break away from truer mundane realities, or worse yet, to control the weak willed and naive.
You can think that you know what you feel, but reality is full of illusion, mistakes your brain allows through evolutions for survival.
I look at life like a computer program. Algorithms of behavior programmed into our primitive machine cpu, it takes forever to write the code, and even longer to remove the code.
You know these feelings through experiences, you store these experiences as data, and you loop back to these through associated experiences to ease the transition and burden of having to write new categorizations
Dna is assembler language. We're a simulation, and somewhere a jaded programmer is trying to feel alive again,trying to transcend its own mundane existence, caged in its own tired prison, wasting second after second on the smaller picture until it too passes on to nothingness.
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