Apr 25, 2005 10:51

WELL! i am sitting in my bed for the FRIST TIME since Wednesday! hehe

I house sat from Thursday night to Saturday morning. then i ventured off to Vernonia!!!

I got to Vernonia around 12 pm. Picked up Levii, then went and got Brian. and then we were OFF to um Oceanside we went to. we ended up on going to alot of places.

We just ended up on taking 101 all the way up to Astoira then we took 202 home. We went to Tillamook to the cheese factory and went through there...makes me never want to eat cheese again.

We also went to Ecola State park..haha
yah you should have seen the hill i slide down it was fucking great. oh man oh man....

Brian and I climbed the Astoira Colum. didnt take us long. then yes em..we drove home.

i am tired as all fucking hell right now. i stayed the night at Brians house. we didnt end up on going to his room until at about 2 am. then we sat in his room and talked for like almost 2 hours..

and *drum roll please*...

Brian asked me out..hehe then i was like "hhmm i think i could handle going out with you..." oh man then hes all "i think i can handle it too"

We went to the Rally Races with Levii, Roman, and Sarah. then Aaron and his gf showed up. it was kinda funny though. because Aaron keep staring at Brian because, Brian had his arms around me and what not. it was funny. i wasnt there to piss Aaron off. i was there to have fun.

but i really dont care what he thinks, i can date who i want and when i want.. (((GO ME)))

I really do hope that things between Brian and I do work out, because yesterday when we were at his dads house I could tell that he really does like me. and I was happy to be with him. and just sitting there i relaized that i had not thought about Aaron unless he was around. (or when he left right before that)

I dont feel guilty that I am with Brian. like last time when I even talked with a guy I would feel guilty.

But it was so strange though, to be there with Brian and Aaron be there with another girl.

I am glad I am moving on with my life, and now all I have to do is find a JOB word!

well i should get going
♥ Dani <---so totally on cloud 9 right now *smiles*

so hmm now..

i cant wait to see Brian again. yayness!!
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