(no subject)

Dec 13, 2004 10:51

Well havent had a real update in a while so i guess i'll write some shit now, alot of things have been resolved lately. Me and Rob are cool, and me and Amanda are back together. Me and Richie have been hanging out alot which is awesome cuz hes like one of my best friends. The biggest thing though is that i finally got the fuckin beast registered. Now i have the freedom that ive waited almost 17 years for, and i dont know what to do... now that i have this theres really nothing to do. Sure i can go anywhere but its no place i never been before. Sure its great but for some reason it doesnt feel new at all. Arctic Moon is officialy started tomorrow when i bring my shit over Sects' house. Basically everything is going pretty good right now, im on good terms with everyone accept a few people that dont matter. Whats pissing me off right now though, is that i l-o-v-e amanda and im sick of all these fucking school-boy crushes these little fags get on her (not rob, its different with him) but little homos like Seth Halko, that have know here for 2 months and think they love her, fuck them, shes mine, you cant have her. We've been through so much shit and are finally back together and making it work, me and her kick ass together, and no jealous fucks can interrupt that. good to have gotten that out.

Do this up


I. Realize Who I Am

If you could be me for a day what would you do?

Who would you talk to?

What Mistakes I've made do you think you could fix?

II. Tell me the Truth

Whats my Main Virtue?

Whats my Main Flaw?

The coolest thing about me?

The weirdest?

The funniest?

The stupidest?

The hottest thing about me?





What's the most rememberable thing I've said/done?

What would you do if I was depressed?





Laughing at/with you?

What would you do if we never knew each other?

III All about you

How have i affected you?

How well do you know me?

Would you take a bullet for me? haha...

IV Final

Take a shot at my deepest darkest secret (this should be laughable haha)
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