May 12, 2005 15:20
So here I am sitting at home on a Thursday afternoon. Recap of my week? I think so.
Monday was fine. It was composed of Wayne State in the morning with Kyle. I got my ID card and put some money on it for parking and paid for my tuition and bought my $320 worth of books that I need for Organic this semester. We grabbed a little bit of McDonald's before we left (I just got a 4 piece nugget and a small drink) and headed home. Then, I went and picked up my MRI scans and went to the hospital to seee my neurologist. They concluded that my brain is ok, and that I'm having some type of stress-related anxiety attacks. So I'm glad I'm not in any danger of dying. =) Then Monday night I went to work.
Tuesday was my first day of class. Organic will not be easy but I hope it will be ok. My class has like 100 people in it and I'm used to twenty. I was sooo spoiled in Eastern's Honors classes, but they don't have Honors Organic Chem at Wayne. I have class from 1030-1205 on Tuesdays, 1030-315 on Wednesdays and 915-1205 on Thursdays. Tuesday night I had to work from 330-945 but I ended up staying until a little after ten I think. Then I came home and tried reading my textbook. I laid out on Monday and Tuesday too, and I tanned up a little bit but not much.
Yesterday was a good day until the end. I went to Organic lab, did check in and came home. Then I ate lunch and did housework. After that I played Nintendo (Super Mario 2) and then took a nap. I ate dinner, and then Bretty called! I went to his house for a lil Pistons get-together. I eated pizza there, and then Brett and I kind of got in a fight, but I hope we can work things out and still be friends. What do you say Brett? Then I went home and went to bed.
Today I woke up and just went to class from 915-1205. I'm feeling better about things in there. After Tuesday's lecture I was upset 'cuz I was a little confused about things in there but today's lecture was a lot more clear. It seems like most people in my Organic classes have friends in there though, so I may have a hard time making friends. Yesterday in lab I did meet a really nice girl and her drawer is right next to mine so that's good, and the guy who's drawer is across from mine seems really nice too. So who knows.
Tomorrow I was supposed to hang out with Brett and get my books set-up to sell online. I think we were gonna see the new Will Ferell movie too, but I don't know if he still wants to now. I guess we'll see.
So today I'm going to hang out with Kyle I think. I wanna hang out with other people too, but when I get people's numbers I always forget to write them down so I can't call anyone, and all of my friend's numbers are on my old celly that got losted. Laura isn't online and neither is Amanda and I heard she's back in town. Oh well, I'll leave the get-together-other people-ing up to Kyle. I guess I should call him back!
Later gators. And if you wanna hang out today, call me or Kyle!