Spoilers for this week under the cut!
Okay, first off, what was UP with wardrobe last night? Pieces of trim were falling off of costumes left and right in two routines (Cristina and Pasha's paso doble and Jose and Kathryn's Bollywood) which strikes me as seriously DANGEROUS for the dancers. Melinda's dress was CRAZY and literal and then it fell apart, which apparently some people thought was planned? But it seemed clear to me that part of what was visible when the whole front of the dress fell off was lining that was not meant to be exposed. Kent needed a safe word to go with his costume. And I don't know about you, but the first thing I think of when I think of summertime in the South is totally tight, shiny navy blue and black suits with long sleeves and legs and stupid collars that fuck up a dancer's lines, and bowler hats. Totally. In fact, that is what I am wearing right now.
(Actually, right now I am wearing shorts and a t-shirt because it is fucking hot.)
That said, I feel like they should not criticize wardrobe to the dancers, because they have no say in it. They should criticize wardrobe to the wardrobe department. However, they should make it more clear when the dance is crap because of the choreographer, instead of giving the choreographer a tongue bath and then tearing into the dancer for things that are not their fault.
I really liked having the All-Stars on the stage with the contestants during judging. The judges were much more into praising the choreographers than the All-Stars even with them right there, and it was nice for them to be able to support the people they'd just spent a week working with and, in a few cases, speak up for them. Also, it gave me more time to admire Pasha's chest.
I had written a whole thing about how they should have the All-Stars dance during the results show, to make more use of them and give me more Pasha and Anya dancing together, and then they did make use of the All-Stars, so I am happy about that.
Adechike Better than last week, but still pretty meh. I have so little opinion on this guy. Please, can he go home now? Better yet, can we trade him for Anthony Burrell?
Alex Okay, I know the producers are oblivious to the strong hate for Tyce and Lauren, otherwise they would not tout them as awesome so much, and probably also the poor showing Broadway usually has on this show, but seriously, first Billy, now Alex? Talk about horrible luck. That said, Alex danced what he was given well (And shockingly enough, so did Lauren, except she still cannot dance without that HUGE grin on her face. Sometimes that is not appropriate, Lauren. God.). It was just terrible choreography. And terrible, terrible wardrobe that ruined his shoulders. Booooooooo.
Ashley This was really good. I am beginning to like her a lot. It was not at all jazz, but still really good as a dance and really well-danced, and I worried that the "OMG THIS IS NOT JAZZ BAD TRAVIS now we smack your nose with a newspaper" freakout would negatively impact her votes-getting. When I said they should call the choreographers out, I didn't so much mean for decent dances. They never call out Nappytabs on not actually doing hip-hop.
Billy Dear God why. Why was krump even an option? I mean, I get that they have a contract with Lil C and whatever, but seriously, which of those six guys did they think would be able to even adequately krump? NONE OF THEM, that's who. I don't know, I mean, yes, that was terrible, but it was never going to not be terrible, so I can't really fault Billy for that. Mad props to Lil C for wasting as much time as possible at the beginning with strutting around and taking off backpacks, before the slaughter had to begin.
Cristina Pasha Doble, hee. I love paso doble, it is my favorite, and while this did not have all of my favorite paso elements, it was still really well-danced. Some people on the fansites are going on about how Cristina and even Pasha didn't dance it well, and I don't know what the fuck they're on about. The music was terrible--I muted it about halfway through and suddenly liked it a lot more--but I can't fault the dancing. This was my favorite of the night, and she absolutely should not have been in the bottom three, and absolutely should not have gone home. That was bullshit.
I must say, as I was watching people come up to be told whether they were in the bottom three or not, I kept thinking that it was funny how Cristina was better-dressed than everybody, considering she was wearing a bejeweled bra. What's up with that, dancers?
Jose I say again, dear God why. Kathryn did pretty well--I'm guessing she must have had some Indian dance classes somewhere along the way? Or else why the hell did they have her listed as qualified for this? Jose also did his best, but his best was not very good at all. At least he seemed to be having a good time. It's pretty much the same thing as with Billy. It was terrible, but I realize that terrible was the best they could do and can't fault them for it.
Kent No, seriously, what was that child wearing? And again I must fault Tyce as a choreographer. Last week, Tony and Melanie clearly took into account what they were working with and storylined accordingly; Tyce wanted Kent to suddenly be the kind of boy who wears a bondage harness. I thought the actual dancing was pretty decent, though. He just couldn't sell it.
Lauren F. I didn't actually get to watch all of this routine, because I had a kitchen situation going on, but the parts I did see I thought were really good. I liked Lauren a lot more this week, which is good because last week I didn't like her at all and was despairing of the situation in the girls' camp. Dominic has stupid hair, but that's fine, it's his hair, not mine. I was terrified of his return to the stage with Cat, but it seems like he's grown out of that, and now Cat just comes off as creepy. Especially considering how somber both dancers were after such a serious dance. Boo, Cat.
Melinda I have no idea whether she danced this well or not, because I kept getting distracted by that ridiculous dress. I think the voters were, too (well, that and the way she kept saying 'quirky' in her intro. WE GET IT.). Her ass should have left. Whatever, Mia and Adam, bite me.
Robert The choreographer should be ashamed of himself for choreographing so very much of the male standing there providing support while the female exhibits leet tango skillz, because the male was who was competing here. He did a great job of providing support for Anya's leet tango skillz, but still. He also did a great job of projecting 'smolder,' and he did a WAY better job of dancing way out of his comfort zone than Jose and Billy, I must say, and that was a substantially better Argentine Tango than Kent's dance last week was a cha-cha; he just doesn't have Kent's adorable factor going with him as a buffer for the judges, (or, apparently, their fanbase, boo). Which is good, because Argentine Tango should never ever ever be adorable. Anya was AMAZING, holy cow. I WANT TO BE HER WHEN I GROW UP. I liked that she stood up for him, and more and more I can't help but wonder if Pasha was like this as a teenager, with a sort of expectation of total hotass warring with his default setting of enormous dork. He grew into it, and Robert will, too.