(no subject)

Mar 04, 2005 21:26

001. What is your name: Bohdonna   
002. Spell your name backwards: Annodhob
003. Date of birth: Aug 21, 1987
004. Male or female? female
005. Astrological sign: LEO
006. Nicknames: Boh, bobo, hobag, bud, bohdonka, bonna, donka

007. Occupation? searching pour le summer
008. Height: 5'4
010. Hair color: brown.. tried dying it but it remained the same brown colour.. wait, aren't there hightlights of some sort..?
011. Eye color: grey/green/blue.. not sure since they change constantly
012. Where were you born? Suffern, NY
013. Where do you reside now? Chester- well known for homeless men walking the streets
014. Age: a mere 17
015. Screen names: bohdonka, vicious tulip
016. E-mail address: bohdonka@hotmail.com
017. What does your screen name stand for? my name.. boring, ey? then once I was watching this show and they said 'vicious trolip' and I didn't want the word slut in my screen name so I changed it to tulip.. make sense?

018. What is your xanga/lj name? sadknittinskier
019. What does your xanga/lj name stand for? how you say my last name
020. Pets: none anymore.. my parents don't think I can take care of anything that has a heartbeat
021. Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake? i think there were only 2.. one for me and one for grandpa.. i always share the bday cake
022. Piercings? 4
023. Tattoos? 0
024. Shoe size: 8
025. Righty or lefty? righty for writing, lefty for sports
026. Wearing: pj pants, stilletos, tshirt, sweatshirt, long earrings
027. Hearing: snow patrol
028. Feeling: tres tres bored
029. Eating/drinking: sugar free black cherry jones soda

~Love/Kissing/And Other Stuff~
031. How many people have you told "I love you"? a few but it finally means something now
032. How many people have you been in love with? just one
033. Does someone in your family wear a toupee? that'd be funny.. i dont think anyone in my family would let that person live it down
034. Do you have any nieces or nephews? nope
035. Are your parents divorced? nope
036. Do you have step parents? no
037. Has your family ever disowned another member of your family? nope
038. If so for what?
039. Did some of your family come to America from another country? Ukraine and Germany (still uke though!!)

~Music Stuff~
040. What song do you swear was written about you or your life? i havent found one yet
041. What's the most embarrasing cd you own? will smith
042. What's the best cd you own? snow patrol, honorary title
043. What song do you absolutely hate? ANYTHING LINKIN PARK OR STAIND
044. Do you sing in the shower? you bet.. and i take my radio in with me
045. What song reminds you of that special someone? anything that has a happy vibe

~Okay, I Name An Artist And You Give Any One Of Their Songs!~ (oh god, i suck at this.. cj and andrew..)
046. Pink: doo doooo doo.. singing a song by pink.. doo.. yep, dont know
047. Aerosmith: i dont wanna miss a thing
048. Madonna: american pie..? is that one?
049. Korn: freeekk onn a leashh.. boo chakka chaakkaa!
050. Backstreet Boys: iiii wanttt it that wayyy
051. The Beatles: yellow submarine
052. Sublime: wrong way
053. J.Lo: *shakes butt* i mean.. radio? dont know the title but it goes like this.."ohhh.. c'mon dj play that song.. play it.. do do dooo..!!"
054. Nsync: GOOOONE
055. Limp Bizkit: the nookie
056. Britney Spears: oops i did it again.. im a slut and i like shoving things up my butt.. yeahhh...
057. Creed: (insert song title with biblical passage here)
058. Enrique Iglesias: shake yer bon bon? noo! umm.. the one where he makes out with that girl in the bathroom..
059. Good Charlotte: anthem?
060. Christina Aguilera: genie in a bottle
061. Eminem: im sorry mama.. i never meant to hurt youuu.. i never meant to make you cry but tonight im cleaning out my closett.
062. New Found Glory: the story sofar
063. Kelly Clarkston: iiii wasss onn americannn idooolll!! no idea.
064. Kelly Osbourne: shut up!
065. Mandy Moore: i want candy?
066. Eve: that new song.. ummm.. IF I WAS A RICH GIRL!
067. Aaliyah: rock the boat
068. Nelly: hot in huurrr
069. Alicia Keys: ohhhh.. iiii... ohhh.. keepppp.. on fallinnn... ohhh...
070. Incubus: stellar

071. Color: green
072. Food: sesame chicken, pineapple
073. Song: stairway to heaven - LZ
074. Show: gilmore girls, south park, trigger happy, viva la bam
075. school subject: the one where we do nothing.. wait that's every single class!!
076. Band/singer: coldplay, std, honorary title, snow patrol, onelinedrawing, the format..etc.
077. Animal: tigerrr... rawrr. i used to have a tigger (winnie the pooh) fetish when i was a wee one
078. Outfit: jeans + tshirt
079. Radio station: 97.7
080. Movie: any john cusack movie, napolean dynomite, the butterfly effect, garden state, sometimes scary movies, sometimes tearjerkers, comedy is good too, stupid movies..
081. Pair of shoes: tiger oniteskia
082. Cartoon: does south park count?
083. Actors: john cusack, jared leto
084. Actress's: julia styles
085. Potato chip: salt and vinegar or sour cream and onion
086. Drink: apple juice
087. Alcholic drink: :-x
088. Holiday: christmas/new years
089. Perfume/cologne: ralph cool
090. Pizza topping: something interesting
091. Jello flavor: the red one is nice
092. Lunch meat: #($*@!)$
093. Board game: monopoly, maybe
094. Video game: resident evil + tomb raider ..only ones i have!
095. Website: myspace + lj
096. Book: perks of being a wallflower, catcher in the rye
097. Computer game: scrabble
098. Number: 27
099. Cereal: lucky charms
100. Comedian: denis leary
101. Dessert: cheesecake, carrotcake
102. Disney character: chip from beauty and the beast
103. Clothing store: ae, h&m, j.crew
104. Pastime: leaving early from school and hanging out
105. Teacher: padavano.. without a doubt
106. Childhood toy: musical apple
107. Carnival game/ride: "rollercoaster favorite ride.. let me kiss you one last time.."
108. Candy bar: reeses pieces
109. Magazine: cosmogirl.. but i dont read magazines anymore
110. Salad dressing: caesar
111. Thing to do on the weekend: hang out.. preferably in pjs 
112. Hot drink: raspberry tea
113. Season: spring
114. Sport to watch: dont watch any
115. Person to talk to online: anyone willing

~Your Bedroom/Sleeping Habits~
116. What color are your sheets? blue sky with clouds
117. What color are your bedroom walls? light blue + random red wall (thought i was rebelling)
117. Do you have posters on your wall? random ones on my door
118. If so of what? the village, some other movie poster taken from joe's, random people
119. Do you have a tv in your bedroom? nope
120. How many pillows are on your bed? 2 normal ones, 1 cool flower one
121. What do you normally sleep in? pj pants and a tank top.. or if its too hot- tshirt and maich
122. Describe your favorite pair of pajamas: really warm pj pants
123. What size bed do you have? full
124. Do you have a waterbed/bunkbed/daybed? nope
125. Do you have your own phone line in your bedroom? nope
126. Do you listen to music while trying to fall asleep? only when im bored and know i will not fall asleep no matter how hard i try
127. Describe the last nightmare you had: mr welch *hides face
128. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? nah, they'd prob end up on the floor
129. How many people can comfortably sleep in your bed? 2 or 3.. maybe 4 if youre really tired
130. Do you sleep in any unusual positions? fetal position or on my stomach
131. Do you have to share your bedroom with a sibling? no siblings = no sharing
132. Do you snore? no but i make noises
133. How about drool? if im in a really deep sleep
134. Do you have an alarm clock in your room? yesssir but i dont use it
135. What color is the carpet in your room? tan.. boring
136. What's under your bed? an old scrabble game, photos, boxes..

~This or that~
137. beach/mountains: beach
138. Donuts/bagels: bagel
139. Day/night: night
140. Wicked witch of the east/wicked witch of the west: east because she seemed really nice
141. Heaven/hell: heaven
143. Coffee/tea: tea
144. Britney/Christina: neither
145. Swiss cheese/american cheese: chedda
146. Real World/Road Rules: reality shows bite
147. Backstreet Boys/Nsync: backstreet boys.. old school
148. Silver/gold: silver
149. Nike/Adidas: adidas
150. McDonalds/Taco Bell: TACOS!!!!
151. Sweet/sour: both yummy
152. Punk/emo: *sheds tear
153. Hot/cold: not too cold and not too hot
154. Winter/summer: both are favorable
155. Spring/fall: spring
156. Operas/plays: plays
157. Read/watch tv: read
158. Cd's/tapes: cds.. but for times when youre stuck in the car = tapes
159. Dvd's/vhs: dvds
160. Old/new: old
161. Shorts/skirts: skirts
162. Pink/red: red
163. Colored/black and white photos: black and white
164. Meat/vegetables: meat
165. Mexican food/chinese food: mexican
166. Commercials/infomercials: infomercials
167. Scary movies/comedies: depends who im with.. only watch scary ones avec anna
170. Dogs/cats: i hate cats..
171. Unicorns/fairies: aw unicorns
172. Water/land: water
173. Sugar/spice: sugar
174. Black/white: white
176. Chicken/beef: chik-chik-chick-chickennN!!
177. Colored/white christmas lights: white
178. Cars/trucks: car
179. Austin Powers/James Bond: austin
180. Popcorn/pretzels: pretzels
181. Hip/hop: hop.. cause that's what them bunnies do
185. Picture frames/photo album: albums
186. Pens/pencils: pens

~What Is Your Opinion Of The Following~
187. Eminem: yeah.. i really dont like this fella
188. Virgins: i think people feel differently about this. i really dont think it's something to be ashamed of.
189. God: questioning existance.
190. The Osbournes: the show was amusing but it got old after a while. kelly cannot sing i dont care what anyone else says.
191. Reality TV: horrific
192. J.Lo: no one's ass is that big in real life.. can i say cheek implants..? seriously..
193. Religion: confusing.. every religion has their own stories
194. Emo music: brings tears to my eyes.. wait what am i saying.. i listen to this crap!!
195. Valentine's Day: i have to admit that this holiday was only made to make mula.. jerks.. roses are nice though <3
196. Christina Aguilera's comeback: what?
197. Homosexuals: doesnt bother me. let people do whatever they want as long as it's not hurting anyone else.
198. Abortion: sick.. might as well just kill yourself as well
199. Inter-racial relationships: interesting..
200. Murder: only when necessary
201. Death: its coming for YOU!
203. Pre-marital sex: do whatever you want
204. Terrorism: seriously, who likes terrorism? do i look like osama binladin to you..?
205. Pornography: great when in quebec
206. Fortune tellers: quirky
208. Prostitution: hey, if you need the money..
209. Politics: not interested
210. Country music: nine!
211. George W. Bush: lets just hope the world doesnt combust because of him
212. Cloning: interesting
213. Britney's boobs: fake like whoa.. i think shes trying to set a record
214. Gas prices in America: ridiculous.. and i dont even have a car

~Name Game~
What Do You Think Of When You Hear These Names?.
215. Jack: sally
216. Tiffany: aneorexic skank on the bus
217. Ben: dover
218. Maria: santana
219. Jennifer: im still im still jenny from the block
220. Nicole: one of anna's friends
221. Amy: gallo
222. Adam: guy from tbs
223. Richard: zikoyanis
224. Justin: i have a really high voice and i think im black all of a sudden
225. Arnold: football head
226. Tom: hall
227. Melissa: money
228. Charlotte: that book about the spider and the pig.. charlotte's web
229. Harold: "hey arnold"
232. Vanessa: too much makeup
233. Michelle: cares too much
234. Kevin: went out with in 8th grade for 2 weeks
236. Jake: aunt's old dog's name
237. Billie: jean.. some movie on lifetime
238. Sarah: bobarah?
239. Natalie: natalka
240. Christi: trying to be cool by spelling the name differently
241. Nick: anna's brother
243. Taylor: knobs..
244. Jordan: cried for 2 months straight

~Have You Ever....~
247. Mooned anyone? no
249. Been to a foreign country? yea
250. Broken a bone? nope
251. Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling? no
252. Swear at a teacher? yes
253. Talked to a xanga/lj member via e-mails or instant messages? yeh
254. Got in a fight? yes
255. Dated a teacher? noo
256. Laughed so hard you peed your pants? when i was little
257. Thought about killing your enemy? yea
258. Gone skinny dipping? nay
259. Met another xanga/lj member in the flesh? yes
260. Told a little white lie? yeah
261. Told a secret you swore not to tell? nah
263. Misused a swear word and it sounded absolutely stupid? probably
264. Been on TV? a few times
265. Been on the radio? no
267. Been to a concert? yes
268. Dated one of your best friends? yep
269. Loved someone so much it makes you cry? nope
270. Decieved somebody close to you? no
271. Broken the law? yea
272. Been to a rodeo? nope
273. Been on a talk show? nah
274. Been on a game show? no
275. Been on an airplane? yeahh
276. Got to ride on a firetruck? yehhh!
277. Came close to dying? yes
278. Cheated on a bf/gf? no
279. Gave someone a piggy back ride? yup
280. Terrorized a babysitter? nope
281. Made a mud pie? many
282. Had a dream that your falling off a cliff? falling out of a plane.. nope then
283. Snuck out of the house at night? yeeep
284. Been so drunk you don't remember your name? no
285. Had an eating disorder? nope, even though everyone claims i do
286. Felt like you didn't belong? yes
287. Felt like the 3rd wheel? yes
289. Done drugs? no
290. Been arrested? no
291. Had your tonsils removed? no
292. Gone to camp? yep
293. Won a bet? of course
294. Written a love letter? sorta but it was hella lame
295. Gone out of your way to be with the one you love? yep
296. Written a love poem? no
297. Kissed in the rain? yeah
298. Slow danced with someone you love? yah
302. Asked a friend for relationship advice? nah
303. Had a friend steal your bf/gf? noo
304. Watched the sunset/rise with someone you love? no
305. Gotten a speeding ticket? no
306. Done jail time? no
307. Had to wear a uniform? every day at school
308. Won a trophy: no but i won medals
309. Thrown up in public? yea
310. Bowled a perfect game? ha!
311. Failed/got held back? nope
312. Got perfect attendance in grade school? actually yeah
313. Roasted pumpkin seeds? yes
314. Taken ballet lessons: yes
315. Attempted suicide? no
316. Cut yourself? no

~Childhood Stuff~
317. Did you play with Barbies? no, i took their heads and legs off
318. Did you own Treasure Trolls? yea
319. Did you watch Beverly Hills 90210? no
320. Did you play Simon? yea
321. Did you watch Fraggle Rock? who didnt?
322. Did you wet the bed? nope
323. Did you believe there were monsters in your closet or under your bed? nah
324. Did you wear the underwear with the days of the week on them? yep
325. Were you shy? the most outgoing kid in the world
326. Were you spoiled? no
327. Were you abused? no
328. Did you go to the circus? yes
329. Did you go to the zoo? yes
330. Were you in a car accident? no
331. Did you build snowmen? yes
332. Did you cry when you scraped your knee? i picked at my scabs
333. Were your older cousins mean to you? nope
334. Did you think slinkies were cool? yep, especially when you let them go down the stairs
335. Did you think the Ninja Turtles really lived in the sewer? i used to question my cousin all the time about this
336. Were you afraid of the dark? nope
337. Did you have slumber parties? just with like anna and randomly people slept over
338. Did you have New Kids On The Block sheets, curtains, sleeping bags, dolls and pajamas? nothing
340. Did you believe in the Easter Bunny/Santa Claus/ and the Tooth Fairy? everything but the easter bunny

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