
May 18, 2008 00:10

Alright... Borrowed this from a friend...

The first one...

DisorderRatingParanoid:HighSchizoid:LowSchizotypal:HighAntisocial:ModerateBorderline:Very HighHistrionic:Very HighNarcissistic:ModerateAvoidant:Very HighDependent:HighObsessive-Compulsive:High
-- Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Information --

And the second...

Loneliness Quotient: 81%

Your Personalized Assessment Report:
81 is a very high LQ score, meaning you have definite loneliness issues that must be addressed. Such a high score means action ought to be taken to lower it to a more healthy level. One spot of weakness is your friend situation. Difficulties in this area are having an impact on your loneliness, and this is something that needs improvement. In addition, your family relations, or lack thereof, are another weak spot in terms of your loneliness. This is an area that can use improvement. An even worse area for you is your romantic life. Making improvements here by finding a good guy can drastically cut your level of loneliness. In order to find true love and friendships you must learn to defeat your shyness and increase your interactions with people. Compounding the shyness problem is the lack of people in your area who you can get along with. It's difficult, but you must look that much harder to find people to interact with. Finally, it is important that you address some major insecurity issues you seem to have. This will enable you to further improve your social interactions and reduce your loneliness even further.

Take the Loneliness Quotient Test at Dating Diversions

Being perfectly honest with myself... -sigh- Nice to know online tests agree with my doctors.

life, loneliness, depression, quiz

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