May 04, 2009 09:16
The Japanese have different words for numbers , depending on what is being counted.
"Seven" , for instance , can be either "Nana" , or "Shichi". Both are understandable , so it's not the sort of thing you need to worry too much about , unless you're going for native level fluency. The Japanese will generally let you off using the wrong one , as you're just a dumb foreigner who doesn't know any better.
The alternative word for "four" is "Shi". This isn't often used in polite conversation because it's also the Japanese word for "Death". This must cause all sorts of fun.
"So how many of you will be dining here tonight?"
" . . . okay then"
The Japanese language doesn't name the different months. They simply have the number of the month , followed by the word "Gats" ( which means month ).
Therefore January becomes Ichi-gats ( one month ) , February is Ni-gats ( two months ) , and so on all the way down to "Ju-ni gats" ( 12 months : December ).
April , being the fourth month , is Shi-gats. This - in theroy - could also translate as "Death Month" , which to me is really rather awesome.