Nov 23, 2006 22:15
Is what you make of it. Other people do not make me happy or sad. They do not have that power over me if I don't let them.
Similarly, I need to learn that while I can help edge someone towards either of the two, my actions alone do not cause happiness or sadness, so I need to stop feeling so guilty when I know that my actions were what was right for me, and anything less would have kept me miserable.
I do not have that kind of power over someone. It doesn't mean that I'm not going to care about people or recognize that my actions have consequences, but I need to know that they can take care of themselves, and I can only do so much.
I can chose to be happy, because I have that power over ME.
Making people happy makes me happiest, but keeping them happy is what drains on my life force, and that's no good.
I must learn to consider the future when making decisions or letting decisions be made for me by me. Consider the consequences. That's what being an adult is all about anyway, isn't it. No longer living just for the moment and accepting that while life is not forever, you have to make the most of it and stop feeling sorry for yourself. Get over yourself. Have wonder, but be grounded still. I cannot spend the rest of my days living in a parallel universe in my head. Reality hurts, but at least the pain lets me know I AM ALIVE.
In order to live, I must accept that I cannot and will not have control over anything but myself. Admit I am powerless. Look to myself as my savior and believe. I can trust myself. I can have faith.
Without that, what are we, really? We are slaves in our own prison. Break the chains.
I can let myself be happy. Happiness is not a crime. I need not punish myself forever. Mourn, but do not starve. Contrary to popular belief, suffering is not the key to art.
Art Imitates Life. Life Imitates Art. I need not suffer to live life to its fullest. I need not suffer to create art.