Jul 27, 2005 19:33
then the mail man came "make me pee pee on the floor hide the sandwitch in me drawr, hit my head against the door"
Heh! Annnyways. Today was interesting. Me and my mom went to Techumseh mall and i handed out like ALOT of resumes like crazy. so yay. i want a job so bad lol. I handed one out at Ardenes and the lady asked me if she trained me to pierce ears if i would do it :D fuck yes. lol i would pierce my own with a gun after lmao. I pierced my ears myself though with a needle like a few years ago. Heh and i kinda stretched it a little. But yess. After that i got my stockings er yeah. And yepp im at home now. Happie. Kinda. But bored. Man i need sumthing to do tomorrow... so if anyone has nothing to do. ASK ME. lol no one ever does anymore you penises. Heh.
Im Angry though. Cause my mom asked Phil if he will let me work for the hair falls and he said fucking no. like come on. Im going to work for them. Its not like im going to stop looking for a job. Maybe i will convince him into letting me. Either that or ill sacrifice my life to babysitting my asshole cousin Vanessa. Nothing can get worse than that man. i hate her with Passion. She makes my skin Crawl!. eek. lol oh well. Im really desperate. I'll do anything to earn money. Heh. But yes thats all i have for today.
Ohhh who's going to the mall on Friday?! XD!