[[ OOC Post: Purgatorium Relationships ]]

Apr 24, 2020 21:55

Love/Romantic Interests - None.  As Xaldin has no heart to speak of, one of the emotions he lacks is love.  As such, there are no romantic interests in his life.

-- Organization XIII (Yes, this gets its own category.)

* (I, ver. 1) Original Xemnas: One of the two Superiors, and the one with a heart.  Xaldin holds no particular grudge against this particular Xemnas, though the recent revelation regarding his goals in the Kingdom Hearts universe is one that has the former III at a passive neutral towards the first of two Xemnii.

* (I, ver. 2) Duplicate Xemnas: The other Superior, and one whose goal seems to have twisted significantly from the former goal of Organization XIII.  Xaldin has broken off all alliances to the division of the Org on an official level, including ceasing contact with the duplicate Xemnas.

* (IV) Vexen: Xaldin would just as soon slit his throat as speak with him, after the experiments conducted by the Academic, including the dissection of the clone and his murder of Misa-Misa.  One of the deciding factors in III's seperation from the Organization.  Frankly, the guy's a psycho.

* (VI) Zexion: No particular opinion.  From the days of serving as Ansem's apprentices, Xaldin's Somebody held a certain appreciation for the boy's vigor in the research of the heart.  He's well aware of the Schemer's attempt to cause chaos within Org XIII previously, but now, he simply views VI on a neutral level.

* (VII) Saix: Another of the higher-ranking Nobodies, Saix is given a cursory amount of respect, and typically addressed in a reasonably respectful fashion.  Since arriving in Purgatorium, the two have barely exchanged words, save for a short exchange before abandoning duplicate Xemnas' version of Org XIII.

* (VIII) Axel: Amongst the XIII, Axel is one of the few that Xaldin really has no problems with.  The two rarely worked together before arriving in Purgatorium, but he respects Axel's opinion enough to ask it when he feels he requires assistance, and the two are at least friendly enough to exchange the occasional joking conversationa cross the network or chuck popcorn kernels at unsuspecting passers-by from the Clock Tower.

* (IX) Demyx: Demyx and Xaldin, since III's arrival in Purgatorium, has been sketchy, at best.  After dealing with accusations from both IX and his fiancee, as well as threats of both harm or death, things have calmed down since, save for the assault of several of Demyx's water clones on Xaldin after Misa-Misa was murdered.  They have yet to really talk, since.

* (X) Luxord: X and III seem to understand eachother, in the very least.  They have a mutual respect for eachother's opinions, and exchanged conversations multiple times before their mutual departure from Org XIII.

* (XI) Marluxia: No real opinion yet.  Marly's only been here for a day, after all.

* (XII) Larxene: Xaldin's boss at SOLDIER, and one of the few people Xaldin actually wouldn't mind getting to trust him.  Yes, so maybe he started off in a bad way trying to play both sides, and yes, MAYBE she found out at a very bad time, and YES, she's probably pissed at him over it, but when the time comes, he has every intention to try to get onto Larxene's neutral side.  (He'd never say it aloud, but he's of the belief that the neutral side is as close to a good side as she gets.)

* (XIII, ver. 1) Original Roxas: They've barely talked, but he was at least helpful when Xaldin was needing information after his arrival.  He certainly holds no grudge and has no qualms with this version of Number XIII.

* (XIII, ver. 2) Duplicate Roxas: No contact, as of yet.

Friends - To him, friendship is an...  odd term.  Having only worked beside the Organization, he had no real 'friends' amongst Org XIII.  Combined with his lack of emotion, this more tends to come on a scale of how tolerable he finds most people.

-- Tolerable

* Greed: Having only met Greed once, not counting by way of the instant messaging program, he was kind enough to provide conversation during a slow time, as well as allowing Xaldin to start a tab at the Devil's Nest until he got paid.  Anyone nice enough to let someone they don't know start a tab is someone that Xal is more than willing to maintain contact with.

* Valeria Myles: While they haven't met in person, Xaldin views their brief exchange across the network pleasant enough that eventually, he would actually like to meet her in person.

* Misa-Misa: Their discussion, while brief, was enough to let him know that she's not that bad a person (despite the fact that she loves Demyx..  :p ), and didn't shoehorn him into the same category as the rest of the Organization after her death at Vexen's hands.  Being reasonable enough to give him a chance rather than just trying to murder him in return got her on his good side.

-- Intolerable

* Ashley Williams: The lone conversation had between himself and Ashley involved her smarting off because he was part of the Organization, and she failed to defend her statements when pressed.  Typical Army brat~.

* "RJ" ( 
gamerheart ): His first conversation upon arriving in Purgatorium, she proceeded to tell him his true name, that she knew all of Organization XIII, and of his failure in Beast's Castle.  Three very easy ways to move up the list of people he's going to punch in the face.

ooc post, relationship chart

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