Lonely isn’t a strong enough adjective

Jul 12, 2006 00:00

i guess since the last time i updated...
nothing really has happened.

was not single, now im single again. but its for the better

i think im through with trying to forge new relationships for the next while. friend, gf, or otherwise. i just dont think i feel like putting myself out there again. dont need the aggravation, or the impending doom of it.

But other than that, and despite that, shit is good. work is good. I think its kinda turned around and it seems to be getting better every day.

I cant remember the last time i sat down and watched an entire soccer game, but there was a few games that caught my attention. my only problem is all the diving in soccer. its horrible and its embarassing. i can't imgaine hockey getting like that, but i guess it happens then too.

im going tubing tomorrow on the cowichan river, should be a blast.

im so tired right now, and slightly lonely. but its a feeling i'll have to get used to. time to make peace with myself again.

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