5 times Kame was cheered up by NEWS and KAT-TUN got jealous

Sep 06, 2008 22:05

5 times Kame was cheered up by NEWS and KAT-TUN got jealous.
Yay for new fic!! Haha.
Disclaimers: I don’t own anything... But the plot. Mwahaha.
I have no idea what brought this up. I know I’m supposed to be working on chapter 4 of ‘Whispers of a Hidden Memory’ chapter 3 has been updated a while ago but this fic was just begging to be written!! Enjoy!!



Seishun Amigo.
Shuji to Akira.
KAT-TUN knew it wasn’t Kame’s fault. They knew that Kame had no choice in the matter at all. But that didn’t change the fact that their Kame will be debuting first. Without KAT-TUN. And with Yamashita Tomohisa all of people. So they started avoiding him. It was all they could do to ease their disappointment but what they never realized that by doing that, they did something they swore that they will never do.
Make the baby of the group cry.
But they did.
What made the situation worse was that it was not Jin, Junno, Koki, Ueda and Nakamaru who had placed a smile on Kame’s face.
It was NEWS.


1) The end of the world, as seen by Ueda Tatsuya.

Ueda Tatsuya cursed his bad luck as he rushed back to KAT-TUN’s dressing room. He had forgotten his cell phone and the others were waiting in the lobby for him. A hungry Koki and Jin means a very bitchy Koki and Jin, especially Jin, Ueda thought. Panting slightly, he reached the dressing room and was about to open the door when he heard soft sniffles coming from inside. Ueda frowned and peeked slightly through the slightly open door and stared baffled at the sight.

Kame was sitting on the floor, slender arms wrapped around his knees and he was, -Ueda’s face paled considerably- crying. But what shocked Ueda more was the person who was sitting next to Kame, an arm around his shoulder and the other hand patting his head comfortingly was Nishikido Ryo of all people.

Ryo was not facing Kame directly, concentrating on the wall instead and his normally scathing voice was tinge with a rare playful and affectionate tone when he said, “You might think you’re cute and all when you’re crying but it’s not. It makes your face a lot uglier than it already is Kamenashi. Granted you are so much hotter now-I mean, um... ANYWAY, you’re still ugly and be awed by my presence, the one and only Sexy Osaka Man. So there.”

Ueda pulled a face. ‘Sexy Osaka Man’? More like ‘Sullen Osaka Midget’ to him. But apparently Ryo’s unique way of cheering people up worked because Ueda heard a small giggle escaped Kame’s lips and he felt his heart sink when he saw Kame look up to grace Ryo with a soft, watery smile and Ryo returning his smile with his own ‘Sexy Osaka Smirk’™.

Ueda suddenly felt like an outsider and immediately left, forgetting about his damn cell phone.


2) Cookies make everything better, especially member-ai cookies as witnessed by Nakamaru Yuichi.

It was a sunny day and Nakamaru was walking leisurely back to KAT-TUN’s dressing room after getting a drink from the vending machine when his nose caught the sweet scent of something delicious.

Nakamaru sniffed the air, raising an eyebrow when he recognized the sweet scent. ‘Cookies? The only person in the whole of Johnny’s Entertainment who bakes cookies is...’ Nakamaru peeked inside NEWS’s dressing room and could feel a triumph grin on his lips seeing Koyama Keiichiro fuss over a fresh batch of cookies. But what caught Nakamaru’s eyes was a familiar slender figure perched on a chair, looking at Koyama in childish curiosity.

Nakamaru’s eyes widened in recognition. ‘Kame.’

“Look Kame-chan!! I’ve finally got the recipe down to a pat!! BEHOLD, THE PERFECT BATCH OF MEMBER-AI COOKIES!!” Koyama babbled excitedly, placing the fresh cookies neatly on a plate, “I can’t wait for the rest of NEWS to come back and let them eat my lovely cookies and feel all the love I’ve put into making the cookies!!’

Kame blinked owlishly, “You made this... for everybody in NEWS?”


Kame smiled a soft, almost bitter smile, “NEWS is so lucky ne. To have somebody like Koyama-kun to take care of them and even bake them cookies.”

“Then Kame-chan!! Say ‘ah~!!’” Koyama cooed, holding a cookie to Kame’s lips. Kame blinked again but bit on the cookie obligingly, chewing softly.

“It tastes like... member-ai.” Kame said softly, looking adorable when he smiled and Koyama couldn’t help it as he hugged the younger boy. “KAME-CHAN YOU’RE SO CUTE!! CAN I KEEP YOU?!”

“Eh- EH?!?!”

“I shall be your ‘Mama’ from now on Kame-chan!! You can count on your ‘Mama’ to always bake cookies for you ne?”

Kame’s eyes widened and Nakamaru could see him trying to hold back his tears. Koyama’s grin widened and Nakamaru could practically see Koyama explode in happiness when Kame asked adorably, “Can I have another cookie Mama?”

Nakamaru watched as Koyama affectionately patted Kame’s head and fed him another cookie but despite the fact that Kame protested that he could feed himself, Nakamaru could still see Kame’s bright, shy smile.

All Nakamaru could think of as he made his way back to KAT-TUN’s dressing room with a heavy heart was, ‘I was the one who used to feed Kame and pat his head.’


3) Laughter is the best medicine and smiling helps to cheer people up, even if Shige’s smile is fake, as seen through Taguchi Junnosuke’s eyes.

Junno knew he told lame jokes. Nakamaru always had to hold Jin, Koki and Ueda back from pummelling him to the ground whenever he cracked a lame joke but he noticed that Kame always gave a small grin at any of his jokes, lame as they are.

Junno really did not know what to say when he found out that Kame was debuting before them. Jin started screaming bloody murder, Nakamaru was stunned into silence, Koki, being the most violent one started thrashing their dressing room, Ueda had fumed silently and Junno’s ever present smile was wiped off his face. Kame just stood there, accepting all the harsh words thrown at him and allowing the rest of KAT-TUN to take out their anger on him.

After a rehearsal for Shounen Club, Junno wandered around aimlessly around the Jimusho, bored of out his mind after a brush with death earlier (read: Tanaka Koki) for screaming ‘DIE YOU MUMMY BASTAAAAAAAARDSSSSSSS!!!!!!!’ while playing his Game Boy Advance. Junno’s ears perked up when he heard familiar voices filtering out from one of the rooms. Curious, he peeked inside and his eyes widened at the occupants of the room.

Kamenashi Kazuya and Kato Shigeaki.

Kame looked a bit down in the dumps and Shige looked nervous being around the baby of KAT-TUN. Shige sneaked a look at Kame, looked away, and sneaked another look at the boy beside him. Kame was just staring blankly at the wall and the silence was broken when Shige coughed nervously.

“Did you know that Ryo’s afraid of cockroaches?”

Kame blinked slowly, “Eh? The sexy Osaka man is actually afraid of cockroaches? The midget actually knows what FEAR is?”

Shige grinned, happy that he had caught Kame’s interest, “Yeah, there was this one time a cockroach sneaked into the dressing room and you should have seen Ryo!! We never knew he could reach such a high note and he had climbed onto Yamapi, screaming ‘GET THAT BLOODY INSECT OUT OF HERE NOW!!’ Shige mimicked Ryo’s high-pitched voice and Kame burst out laughing.

“Thanks Shige...” Kame smiled softly at Shige and Shige, embarrassed, gave an awkward smile back in return.

“You know, now I understand why Ryo-chan said your smile is so creepy.”

“Eh- Eh?!”

“Remember during NEWS wo Abake? Yamapi said he won’t believe it ‘cause it was fake and Koyama said he couldn’t believe that he was one of the fans that believed it!!” Kame laughed at the memories, “Oh, and Yamapi had added that he doesn’t approve of it either.”

Shige’s fake smile faltered.

“But...” Kame grinned at Shige, “I’ll always believe in your smile Shige!!”

Junno left quietly after seeing Kame and Shige laugh together, seemingly good buddies now. Kame had always been there for him, giving him silent encouragement and laughing at his lame jokes but now, Shige had apparently taken over his position in Kame’s life.

His responsibility to make Kame laugh.


4) The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach, as seen by Tanaka Koki.

Koki’s eyes wandered to a slender figure sitting alone on the couch and he had to drag his eyes back to the lyrics sheet he had to memorise for their next performance. He was not supposed to care about Kame. He was not supposed to care about the boy who was debuting ahead of them -Koki’s eyes wandered back to the slender figure- and- wait, is it just him, or Kame looks so... damn thin?!

Koki’s eyes raked over the thin structure and all he could see was bones. Kame’s sharp features were more obvious now since he was practically all skin and bones now. In all, Kame was a walking skeleton and it terrified Koki to see all those dark circles under his eyes. ‘DOES HE EVEN REMEMBER HE HAS TO EAT TO SURVIVE?! But then again, knowing Kame, he conveniently forgot that a normal human has to eat to live.’

Swallowing his pride, Koki was just about to get up and invite Kame to dinner, preferably eating at an all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant so that he can get Kame to eat more meat when the door slammed opened and Tegoshi Yuya and Masuda Takahisa bounded in happily, calling out excitedly, “KAME-CHAN~!! FOUND YOU~!!”

Kame slowly opened his eyes, his unfocused eyes slowly regaining their bright shine when he saw TegoMass, “Tegoshi, Massu, what are you doing here?”

“Inviting you to dinner of course!!”


Tegoshi shifted his body awkwardly, “It’s just that Yamapi told us that you haven’t had a decent meal in a while and the only thing that you eat at the Nobuta set is the bagels your mother made for you...”

“What’s wrong with eating bagels?”

Massu gasped, horrified at the thought of skipping even one meal and wailed, “One bagel is not considered breakfast, lunch AND dinner Kame-chan~!! You have to eat a lot!! Breakfast is important!! And lunch!! And dinner!! Ooh, supper!! ^^ Let’s go and eat gyoza~!! <3”

“Gyoza again?!” Tegoshi whined, “I wanted to bring Kame-chan to that Italian restaurant Takizawa-kun was talking about the other day!!”

Kame sighed amusedly, “Why don’t we go to an all-you-can-eat buffet restaurant? They have EVERYTHING there.”


“Yes, they have gyoza.”

“How about...”

“It has EVERYTHING there Massu.”

“YAY!! LET’S GO~!!” Massu cheered and dragged Kame out while Tegoshi bowed politely to Koki before picking up Kame’s duffel bag and running after Massu and Kame, leaving behind a bewildered Koki.

Since when was Kame on such friendly terms with TegoMass?

And more importantly, it had been a while since Koki saw a genuine smile on Kame’s face and it actually hurts to know that it wasn’t him at the receiving end of that bright smile.


5) Love goes around and opposites attract, as seen by Akanishi Jin.

Jin loved Kazuya. He really did. Kame meant the whole world to him and Jin took it the hardest when a shaken Kame broke the news to the rest of KAT-TUN about ‘Shuji to Akira’. Jin knew that everybody took it hard, since Kame will be debuting first and what pissed Jin off more than anything was that the person Kame will be debuting with was his own best friend, Yamashita Tomohisa.

Kiritani Shuji and Kusano Akira.

Kamenashi Kazuya and Yamashita Tomohisa.

Shuji to Akira.

Jin had noticed it ever since they were young. The way Yamapi would deliberately ignore Kame but still kept a close watch on the younger boy. Jin knew that it was Yamapi’s own way of protecting himself from falling too deep. Jin knew that Yamapi thought by ignoring Kame, he wouldn’t think about the other boy so much but Jin saw the dirty looks he gave Koki and Nakamaru when they were being exceptionally touchy with Kame.

Jin himself had been at the receiving end of Yamapi’s silent anger during Gokusen 2, where Jin and Kame had really outdone themselves with their characters Yabuki Hayato and Odagiri Ryu respectively. Johnny had made use of the bond between Jin and Kame to increase KAT-TUN’s popularity and during the span on three months Jin and Kame got closer to each other, content with the easy-going relationship between them.

Jin knew Yamapi was jealous. Who wouldn’t be? By then, Kame had flourished into the beautiful young man he is today and it was hard to believe that this was the same awkward, dorky boy with the bushy eyebrows that Jin met all those years ago. Jin knew that Kame’s beauty had attracted more attention from their seniors and the remaining members of KAT-TUN had taken it upon themselves to protect Kame from any possible threats.

Jin had no problem in glaring down Kusano Hironori. Koki’s looks was more than enough to scare the juniors, including some of the seniors. Junno just needed to smile a very scary smile. Everybody knew about Nakamaru’s fondness for Kame and did not dare to approach Kame when Nakamaru was in sight. Ueda became Kame’s personal shadow, determinedly following the baby of the group wherever he went to keep an eye on him.

Kanjani8 found it hilarious. Tackey & Tsubasa found it endearing. NEWS thought it was sweet of KAT-TUN but not Yamapi. It was almost impossible to find Kame alone so it was difficult for Yamapi to talk to Kame. But Nobuta wo Produce changed that. It allowed Yamapi to spend three whole months with Kame and there was nothing KAT-TUN can do about it.

Jin sighed and leaned back against the wall of the dressing room in the studio. They were currently filming Music Station Super Live 2005 and Otsuka Ai and Shuji to Akira were next in line to sing. Everybody in the dressing room, including most of their seniors in Johnny’s were watching as Yamapi and Kame took the stage and started singing their song, ‘Seishun Amigo’.

“I’m sorry I didn’t make it in time. Kon Kon!!”

“I’m glad we teamed up as Shuji to Akira!! Kon!!”

Squeals and screams erupted throughout the whole arena as Yamapi gave Kame a one-armed side hug in front of thousands of screaming fan girls and Jin could hear NEWS’s laughter and Tackey’s “Aww... My little Kazuya and Tomohisa are all grown up now!!”

After the performance ended, Kame came barrelling into the dressing room, giggling and he yelped when Yamapi hugged him from behind, twirling him around playfully, oblivious to the stares of the other people in the dressing room.

“Yamaaaaapi~!! Put me dooooown~!!”

“I meant it you know.”


Yamapi turned serious eyes to a confused Kame, “I’m really glad that we teamed up as Shuji to Akira. Being with you like this... It makes me very happy.”

“Ya... Yamapi...” Kame’s face was tinted pink and he smiled shyly, squealing again when Yamapi picked him up and playfully twirled him around once again and Jin’s heart clenched at the sight.

“Let’s do out best Shuji-kun!! Kon!!”

Kame smiled and asked teasingly, “But Shuji will always have Akira by his side, will he not?”

“Of course!! Akira will never leave Shuji. I will never leave Kazuya.” Yamapi beamed brightly and enclosed Kame in an intimate hug. It was all Jin could take before bolting out of the room, and ironically, missing the sad look Kame had sent his way, not knowing that it was not Yamapi whom Kame wanted to hear those precious words from.

It was Akanishi Jin himself.


Done!! Comments are love desu!!
By the way, the one-armed sided hug DID happen. It was during a Seishun Amigo performance during Music Station Super Live 2005. >.< The stupid camera only showed the hug for less than a second!! Bloody hell... This is the link if you want to watch it.
http://www.crunchyroll.com/media-272674/Shuji-to-Akira-Seishun-Amigo-Live-English-Subtitles.htmlI know this is random, but YAY for the Kurosagi movie coming up, and BOO for my upcoming hospital appointment. I don’t want to go but some people insisted that I go... it depends I guess. I have suspected cholesteatoma... T.T

fanfic: one-shot

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