Whispers of a Hidden Memory, Chapter 2

Jul 25, 2008 13:38

Chapter 2!! Enjoy!!

Author: Me!!

Ratings: PG. But will most probably go up soon due to Toma's dirty mouth, Jin's perverseness, Ryo's tongue and more. You will not get any smut from me though. >.<

Disclaimers: Other than owning several KAT-TUN singles and a whole box filled with idol magazines, I don’t own anything else that has been branded a ‘Johnny’. Damn you Johnny. My older brother told me to get married to KAT-TUN jokingly. I immediately said ‘OK!!’. He looked shocked ‘cause he thought that I knew that he was joking. WHO WOULDN’T MARRY KAT-TUN?! I’D MARRY ALL OF THEM!!

Summary:  A.U In middle school, Kame got rejected by Jin and Kame, depressed went off overseas... and comes back during college a top-notch model!! Jin is instantly attracted to Kame and wants to get closer to him. The problem? Kame doesn't remember Jin. Yamapi is Jin's best friend but likes Kame since middle school...

Pairings: Akame, PiKame (Not so sure about others. We’ll see how it goes ne?)


-Shirokin College, somewhere in the wee hours of the morning-

“BIG NEWS!! BIG NEWS!!” A random student hollered as he ran along the corridors of Shirokin College. Multiple heads popped out from classrooms curiously and some of the more strict teachers glared, angry that a piece of ‘news’ is apparently more interesting than Algebra. Who cares about Algebra anyway?


The boy grinned, “There’s going to be a new transfer student here and I heard she’s smoking HOT!!”

The boys immediately ‘oooooh’ and the girls rolled their eyes in annoyance.


“Aw, jealous much sensei? No worries, I think you’re still hot even though you’re my grandmother’s age and your boobs are sagging--”


And that was how Shirokin College found out that there will be a new student transferring soon.

And on a brighter note, it was just another normal morning in Shirokin College.


“Did you hear? We’re getting a new student soon!!” Nakamaru said excitedly as he placed his bag down on the floor before sitting beside Ueda in their homeroom class. “It’s been years since we had a transfer to our school!!”

“Yes, us and the rest of the student population.” Ueda remarked dryly, inspecting his nails. Taguchi, as usual, was totally immersed in his PSP, oblivious to the horrified stares of the other students when he had at one point of time or another chuckled darkly to himself muttering ‘DIE... DIIIIIEEEEEEEE....’ to himself.

Koki tore his gaze away from Taguchi and asked, “Who WAS the kid who was hollering like a madman anyway?”

“It was Kusano Hironori.” Yamapi’s voice intervened as he sat in an empty sat next to Jin who was snoring away. Yamapi frowned at Jin, before shrugging and kicking Jin off his seat. T-TUN burst out laughing at the sight of their so-called leader, sprawled ungracefully on the floor.

“OI!! WHO THE HELL DID THAT?! I SWEAR WHEN I FIND OUT WHO-Oh, Pi-chan~!!” Jin yelled happily, glomping his best friend who rolled his eyes.

“Good morning to you too Jin.” Yamapi droned out, expertly removing himself from Jin’s death-grip, and nodded to the rest of AT-TUN.

Jin pouted, but brightened up again as he turned to Nakamaru and grinned, “My dear Nakamaru... Could you please elaborate about the new transfer student?”

Junno said almost admiringly, “You have bionic ears Jin? You even heard what Maru said even in your sleep... Like... WOW.” Koki and Ueda exchanged glances and Junno’s yelp of pain was immediately heard. Koki patted his kicking leg affectionately and grinned sadistically at a whimpering Junno.

Nakamaru rolled his eyes at the exchange but explained anyway, “As our dear Tat-chan had pointed out that a certain Kusano, whom had graciously alerted the whole school earlier this morning that we’re getting a new female student.”

“What makes him so sure that it’s a girl?” Jin asked, his attention now solely on Nakamaru.

“Kusano said that the teachers said she was gorgeous. Like a doll or something.” Yamapi said almost absent-mindedly, twirling his pen in his hand before looking at Jin with slightly narrowed eyes. “Anyway, didn’t a certain Bakanishi proclaim that he will not look at any other person other than his one and only love Shuji-kun?”

“Ah, about that...?” Jin grinned sheepishly, “Shuji will always be in my heart, but that doesn’t mean I should stop looking at other gorgeous people right?”

Yamapi’s eyes narrowed even more at Jin’s nonchalant statement and Ueda blinked at the sudden animosity. Ueda noticed that ever since that ‘incident’ during middle school, Yamapi had distanced himself a bit from Jin. Of course, they were still best friends but it was obvious to Ueda and anybody who would bother to take a closer look that Yamapi was holding a grudge about something.

“Gooooooood morning~!!” A loud, boisterous voice greeted the whole class and Jin immediately froze in absolute fear. The whole class watched with bated breath as an unusually happy Toma Ikuta waltzed into the classroom with a huge grin on his face. Toma was obviously happy as he did not do his daily ritual of glaring daggers at Jin as he almost floated to his seat which was conveniently located next to Yamapi.

After sitting down, Toma took out his cellphone and grinned goofily. Toma flipped open his cellphone and seemingly giggled at what was portrayed on the LCD screen of the phone. Jin peeked out from behind Nakamaru, watching a seemingly harmless Toma with wary eyes. The class let loose the breath that they had unconsciously been holding back, seeing that Toma was obviously not in ‘deranged murderer’ mode today.

“What is he up to? No death glares, no death threats and especially NO MUTILATION OF MY VOODOO DOLL?!” Jin cowered once again behind Nakamaru, “I swear he’s up to SOMETHING!! I can feel it!!”

Toma blinked as he flashed a bright smile at Yamapi and AT-TUN, “Good morning my fellow acquaintances~!! A beautiful day isn’t it? The sun is shining, the sky is oh-so-blue~!!” Toma sighed dramatically, “It’s wonderful to be alive!!”

Koki blinked and turned to the window. “Yeah, but there is one LITTLE problem Ikuta, it’s practically pouring out there.” True to his word, it was pouring cats and dogs outside; there was not a single cloud in sight and to their horror, Toma just smiled even more brightly at them.

“YES!! Beautiful day isn’t it?” Toma chirped, staring a bit too intently at Jin, “Too beautiful to be murdering a moron who has the initials A and J!!”

Jin squeaked.

Toma smiled kindly, “But don’t worry. I dipped one of the Akanishi Jin voodoo dolls in dog food this morning and tossed it into some random alley on my way to school earlier!!” Toma clicked on some buttons on his cellphone and soon, a video started playing, “I even took a video of the stray dogs practically ripping the voodoo doll from straw to straw!! Want me to send it to your cellphone? ^_^”

Yamapi hid a smile behind his crossed fingers as Jin screamed in fear and high-tailed out of the classroom while the whole class was thrown into disarray as some girls and even guys started to sob uncontrollably in fear. And Toma? Toma was just laughing evilly to himself.

Just another normal day in Shirokin College.


“I don’t care if he likes me or not.”

“He’s ugly! Why would I want to date someone like him?”

“Seriously, look at him! His eyebrows are so bushy like a caterpillar on his face! His glasses are hideous!”

A pitiful heartbroken boy sobbing into his best friend’s arms.

A broken heart. A shattered self-esteem.

And all he could hear was the sound of his breaking heart.

Shuji’s eyes snapped open as he was violently startled out of his slumber. Sighing tiredly, he leaned back on the oversized chair and looked around the silent cabin of the private jet his manager insisted he rode for his trip back to Japan. Rubbing the sleep out his eyes, he frowned. ‘A dream...? But... it felt too real... It almost felt like... a forgotten memory?’

“Shuji-san? We will be touching down in approximately fifteen minutes.” A flight attendant informed
Shuji, bowing respectfully to the model.

Shuji smiled in response, “Ah. Thank you.”

The flight attendant bowed once again and took his leave. Shuji took a deep breath and eagerly clambered over to the window and pressed his palms on the smooth glass panel, peering into the outside world almost childishly. His smile widened as he saw his homeland once again.


In the control room, the pilots shivered in fear and proceeded to set the fastest record in the world for landing a private jet after they heard more insane laughter from the single private cabin and words like “RAMEN!! GYOZA!! SUSHI!!” and “HOW COULD I FORGET ABOUT MY DARLING TAKOYAKI?!”  being randomly shouted out repeatedly.


“Yo! How was detention Kusano?” Ryo hollered from the NEWS’s table as he saw Kusano walk into the cafeteria. Snickers resounded throughout the whole cafeteria immediately and a horrified Koyama smacked Ryo on the head.

“Ryo-tan!! How could you?” Koyama admonished lightly, frowning at Ryo. “How are we supposed to protect our own if we don’t show our member-ai? What will the world do without my cookies?!”

Ryo rolled his eyes, “Chill Koyamama, Kusano is practically a permanent resident of the detention room. Just like Fat Jin is.”

“I’M NOT FAT~!!” Jin yelled back from AT-TUN’s table.

“Detention was the same old story...” Kusano sighed dramatically, “but it was worth it to spread the news of my soon-to-be new girlfriend...”

“YOUR new girlfriend?!” Jin smirked, “FAT chance kid. She’s mine.”


“Too bad you’re not as sexy as I am!! You guys are totally different from me. So, too bad.” Jin stated cockily, flipping his bangs causing most of the female population to swoon.

“Yeah, too bad we’re not as stupid as you.” Ueda commented nonchalantly.

“YEAH!! Too bad you guys are not as stupid as me- - TAT-CHAN!!!!!”

Ryo chortled on his laughter, “Oh man, Yamapi would have LOVED that!!”

“Yeah!! Er, um, Ryo-tan?”


“Where’s Yamapi?”


Yamapi bit back a nostalgic smile as he climbed over a wall and into a secluded, almost hidden spot in Shirokin Gakuen. Shirokin Gakuen had an escalator program so the crowd had mostly stayed the same since Yamapi started grade school. So it had been perfectly understandable that Yamapi had at some point got bored of seeing the same faces year after year after year.

It was by some random luck and maybe even fate that during middle school that he stumbled upon this hidden spot unknown to the rest of the school population, even the teachers. How he managed to stumble upon it is a completely different story though, one Yamapi will never tell another living- or dead, soul.

It was a small clearing with fresh flowers blooming everywhere but what really made it special was the thousand-year-old tree planted right in the middle of the hidden spot. Yamapi had instantly fallen in love with the spot, declaring it as ‘his’. What he did not know back then it was already claimed by another. A being known as Kamenashi Kazuya.

“Hey, it’s been a while hasn’t it?” Yamapi greeted the tree fondly, patting its thick log. The thousand-year-old tree had been his constant companion whenever he was feeling down. But what really made the place special that it was where they first had officially met. And it was where Yamapi had lost his heart to a special person six years ago.

Kamenashi Kazuya.

-Flashback, six years ago-

Yamashita Tomohisa was bored. He was so bored of everything!! Koyama’s half-burned cookies which everybody still eats despite the fact that it was practically charcoal. Jin trying to pick up older women. Shige being Shige. Massu’s questions about when he was supposed to eat his medicine. Even Ryo and Ueda’s infamous brawls didn’t work their magic to cure his boredom.

Yamapi climbed up a random wall, sat down and sighed, kicking his legs back and forth absent-mindedly. He had tried finding a ‘secret spot’ for himself earlier but to his dismay, every single so-called spots had already been taken up and to his absolute disgust, almost ALL of the spots had been turned into ‘Make-Out Valley’.


Yamapi looked up and went cross-eyed when he saw a baseball zooming straight at his face. And all he could remembered next was falling backwards and before losing consciousness, he saw a blurry face hovering over him, looking at him with concern written all over their face.


Nine-year-old Yamada Ryosuke and Nakajima Yuto exchanged horrified looks and wailed, “OH MY GOD WE KILLED YAMASHITA-KUN!!”


Yamapi groaned. ‘That hurts... when I get my hands on those little brats I’ll KILL THEM...’ Opening his eyes blearily, he stared up at thick branches with flower petals slowly floating down almost peacefully. A small breeze kicked up, ruffling his auburn locks. Patting his forehead, Yamapi was surprised to find a wet cloth placed neatly on it.

“Are you alright? That was quite a hit.” A soft, alto voice asked worriedly as huge glasses suddenly obscured his vision. Yamapi immediately shot up from his lying position in shock and banged his forehead with the unknown stranger.

“Owwwww!!!!!!!! What was that for?! MY GLASSES!!” The stranger wailed, fingering his dented glasses. “What is your head made of?! STEEL?!”

Yamapi was about to make a snarky comment to that when he stopped. Yamapi stared in fascination at the stunning creature in front of him. ‘Who... Who is that?’

The stranger had a beautiful face. His face was flawless other than the fact that his eyebrows were bushy -Yamapi had to shrug, who was he to critic others?- but what caught Yamapi’s attention was his eyes. They were a beautiful shade of honey brown and Yamapi could immediately tell from those eyes that the stranger in front of him definitely had a kind heart. Now, if only he could place a name to that beautiful face...

The stranger frowned, “I’m not surprised if you don’t recognize me.”

Yamapi blinked, “Actually, I’m surprised that I CAN’T recognize you since I can recognize every single face in Shirokin Middle School. You ARE a student there right?”

The boy sighed almost tiredly and put on those hideous glasses, turning back to Yamapi, “NOW do you recognize me?”

Yamapi stared in shock. NOW he recognized him!! Who wouldn’t?! The ugly boy whom nobody ever pays attention to other than the teachers for his perfect grades but what made him a bit famous was that he was the best friend to Toma Ikuta, the self-proclaimed sadist of the school.


Kame shrugged, smiling almost mockingly to himself. “It’s always the glasses. But yeah, it’s me.”

Yamapi blurted out the first question in his mind, “Why do you wear those glasses?” Yamapi trailed off awkwardly at the strange look Kamenashi was giving him. Kicking himself mentally, Yamapi forced himself to continue, “Not that you don’t look... unique... or anything...”

To his surprise, Kamenashi let out a soft laugh, leaning against the tree. “You sounded just like Toma. He’s been asking me the same thing for years.”

“So...” Yamapi licked his lips, suddenly nervous. He didn’t know Kamenashi Kazuya personally, but he did heard that Kamenashi rarely spoke, mostly only during classes to answer questions. Yamapi had always thought that Kamenashi was just a painfully shy boy who follows his best friend Toma Ikuta around but this Kamenashi Kazuya was different. He was..not what Yamapi had ever expected.

“I don’t have to wear them though.” Kamenashi’s soft voice broke the silence that had engulfed them. Yamapi cocked his head to the side in confusion, raising an eyebrow. Kame just fingered his glasses absent-mindedly, “To be honest, I have no idea why I keep wearing them. Habit I guess.”

Yamapi didn’t know what had gotten into him as he leaned forward and gently removed the glasses which had done an excellent job of hiding such an exquisite beauty from the world, “Leave it off...” Yamapi whispered softly, “You look better without it anyway.”

Kame blinked and a soft pink hue covered his cheeks, “Um... thanks...? I guess...?”

Yamapi slapped himself mentally, “Ah, where are my manners? My name is Yamashita Tomohisa!” Yamapi flashed a dazzling smile at Kame, “Nice to meet you.”

Kame laughed and said teasingly, “EVERYBODY knows your name Yamashita-kun. But, since you already know mine, I don’t really have to introduce myself ne?”

“But it’s bad manners!!”

“Hai, hai. Kamenashi Kazuya desu. Nice to meet you to Yamashita-kun.”

Yamapi grinned and leaned back on his hands, surveying the clearing properly for the first time, “This place is beautiful!”

“Isn’t it?” Kame agreed, smiling. “It was pure luck that I stumbled upon this place. I was running away from Toma actually when I just climbed over that wall there and next thing I know, here I am.”

Yamapi stared, a bit confused, “You... were running away from Toma Ikuta? But isn’t he your best friend?”

“What kind of a best friend wants his MALE best friend to cosplay as a French maid just to satisfy his Lolita complex?”

Silence engulfed the both of them but Yamapi couldn’t help it as he burst out laughing after the whole hilarity of it all sank in, much to Kame’s indignant protests.”Yamashita-kun~!! It’s not funny~!!”

It took a while before Yamapi’s laughter died down and Yamapi grinned widely at a still pouting Kame and announced almost proudly, “You know what Kame? You and I are going to be good friends!!”

“Eeeeeh?! You can’t decide that by yourself!!”

“Tomohisa and Kazuya, friends forever!!”


“Then let’s start now! I shall call you Kazuya and you shall call me Tomohisa!! C’mon Kazu-chan, say it~!! To-mo-hi-sa~!!”


-End Flashback-

Yamapi had to laugh at the memories of their first meeting. Kame had been adamant on NOT calling him by his first name, and it took quite a while before he was able to convince Kame to call him Yamapi and it certainly took a longer time for Yamapi to be able to teasingly call the other boy an affectionate ‘Kazu-chan~’ and NOT being glared at.

After that, they had met up almost on a daily basis to just hang around and Yamapi found Kame’s mere presence to be soothing. To put it simply, he could be himself around Kame without being judged about anything. Slowly, even without Yamapi noticing, he slowly fell in love.

It was ironic that the last time they met at their secret hideout was only a few hours before that horrible incident occurred between Akanishi Jin and Kamenashi Kazuya.

At that time, Yamapi wanted to kill Jin. Yamapi wanted to kill the boy who had made his precious Kazuya cry and broke his fragile heart. Sure, he was surprised that Kame had a crush on AKANISHI JIN of all people but despite his own broken heart, he had ran after Kame, only finding Kame sobbing into Toma’s arms in an empty classroom.

It was at that time when Yamapi swore to himself that he will do everything in his power to protect Kame. But how can you protect somebody who is not even there? Yamapi was shocked when he found out that Kame had transferred schools and it was shortly after Kame’s disappearance when a new segment called ‘Let’s Torture Akanishi Jin and Make Him Die A Very Horrible and Painful Death ^_^’ started in Shirokin Gakuen hosted by the one and only Toma Ikuta.

Yamapi sighed, leaning against the tree which had witnessed countless of meeting between Kame and Yamapi. “Kazu-chan, I miss you.”


Shuji sneezed. ‘Eeeh? Is somebody talking about me?’ Shrugging, he got off his motorcycle and stared at the huge building in front of him.

“Woah... Sugoi....” Shuji whistled in appreciation at the huge school, standing in front of the huge looming gates with his arms akimbo. He grinned, looking around the familiar buildings. “It’s been such a long time! I can’t believe I forgot how big the school is!”

Shuji took in a deep breath and grinned, “Shirokin College, here I come!!”



“I swear, we didn’t mean to kill Yamashita-kun!” Yuto wailed, clinging onto Koyama’s shirt. After seeing Yamashita-kun fall to his apparent death, he and Ryosuke immediately ran searching for the mother hen of NEWS.

“We were playing baseball and I threw it a BIT too hard ‘cause Yuto said that I throw the ball like a girl and we didn’t see Yamashita-kun sitting on the wall and we didn’t manage to warn him in time before the ball hit his face and he fell AND OH MY GOD I’M SO SORRY!! I DIDN’T MEAN TO KILL HIM!!!!” Ryosuke sobbed hysterically and hugged an equally sobbing Yuto.


“What does your cookies have to do with it other than the fact its charcoal?”


“WHAT?! I’m just saying the truth!!”


“I went to get some fresh air, that’s why I left.”

“Aah, fresh air! It’s good for your lungs- - YAMAPI?!”




-End Omake-


Chapter 1 / Chapter 3


I’m finally done!! YAY!! To be honest, I didn’t like the way this chapter turned out. It was really difficult to write this and even I thought it turned out pretty bad... On a brighter note, I was really surprised at all the comments that I received!! Thank you very much!! *bows* I was really touched!! Haha. It made me happy that people like this fic!!

The omake was a thing that popped into my mind after re-watching Dream Boys 2006!! Haha. I was really bored!!

I do hope that you guys will continue to support me with this fic!! If you have any suggestions or anything, please to share your opinions with me~!! Comments are love desu~!!

PS: Does anybody have any videos related to Shuji to Akira? I have the ones from ‘newshfan’ and ‘kamepi-chan’ but that’s about it... It’s really hard to find them!! If anybody has any links, please do tell!! Oh, and no Megaupload please...  I prefer Mediafire... >.< Thanks in advance!!

fanfic: au, whispers of a hidden memory, fanfic: multichapter

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