Whispers of a Hidden Memory

Jul 05, 2008 12:39

Hello minna-san!! First time writing here so yoroshiku onegaishimasu!! *bows*

Author: Me!!

Ratings: PG. But will most probably go up soon due to Toma's dirty mouth, Jin's perverseness, Ryo's tongue and more. You will not get any smut from me though. >.<
Disclaimers: Do I look like a perverted old man who owns a whole company full of handsome men? Last ( Read more... )

fanfic: au, whispers of a hidden memory, fanfic: multichapter

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omichan92 July 5 2008, 07:07:12 UTC

*keyboard smashes*

for two reasons:
1. your fic is just so brilliantly lovely i have to keyboard smash to relieve the "kyaness" that built up in me


A complete silence engulfed the whole cafeteria, minus Toma who had started whooping loudly.

Yamapi allowed a half-smile to grace his features as he remembered the attempts Toma did to get back at Jin for rejecting his best friend. Exploding bento boxes, several botched attempts at Jin’s collarbones and if it weren’t for government laws and a restraining order against Toma, Toma would have ripped Jin to pieces and happily fed his remains to his rumoured pet piranhas. Not to mention burn down the Akanishi mansion and drag all of its occupants to hell with him fully decked out in a black cloak and a scythe. And of course with Toma laughing maniacally all the way as he drags Akanishi Jin to hell by his oh-so-wonderful hair.

I LOVE YOUR TOMA <3 he's just so kickass xDDD and i recognise that paragraph! *grins*

Take for example; when Junno was being mercilessly bullied for money by the local school bully, Koki would appear out of nowhere, screaming, “NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO MAKE TAGUCHI’S LIFE MISERABLE - except for Ueda - BUT MEEEEEEEE!!!” And proceeded to send the bully flying across the sky with an insane smile on his face.


“Would you like to sit down?” Nakamaru asked kindly, scooting over to make space for the newcomer.

maru's so sweeeeeet <3

‘Yeah, I’d like to bury my head six feet deep into the ground. Can you help me with that?’

Kame lifted his eyes up to where his so-called best friend stood.

Toma grinned wider and waved frantically, giving him a thumbs-up. ‘When I’m done with this, I’ll bury MYSELF and YOU into the ground!!’

AFADJSAHDKJHKDASH i just love this part <3 i absolutely adore the interaction between kame & toma; they're so close & cute together! (:

“And I did. So what? I don’t care if he likes me or not,” Jin shrugged, taking a bite from his lunch.

“Look at him!” For the first time, Jin looked at him, pointing to Kame, “He’s ugly! Why would I,” he pointed to himself proudly, “want to date someone like him?”


Completely and utterly horrified, Kame turned on his heel and ran out. “KAME!” Toma shouted after his best friend before turning dark eyes on the ‘A’ of the group. A black aura practically roared from deep within his veins, Toma hissed acidly, “You better watch your step, Akanishi. Kame-chan may be too nice to get you back but don’t worry,” A sickly and sarcastically sweet smile spread across Toma’s face, “I’m not.”


Koyama muttered under his breath, “Let’s see if I make you anymore cookies.”

your fic made me swing between emotions; one minute i was all heartbroken for kame, and the next minute at this sentence i burst out laughing out loud xD KOYAMAMA! he bakes cookies <3

Kamenashi Kazuya never turned up for school ever again after that.

my heart just broke )':

Yamashita Tomohisa didn’t mope. As far as he was concerned, he BROODS. Moping was for emotional people who had nothing to do with their lives.

Yamashita Tomohisa didn’t mope. He sits in one quiet corner and laments over things. He thought things out thoroughly like a mature adult. So he was understandingly aghast when Tegoshi Yuya happily bounded over to him, pointed and exclaimed cheerfully, “You’re moping~!!”

“No, I’m NOT.” Said mature adult pouted to the amusement of Koyama who placed a plate of cookies on the table and Tegoshi immediately pounced on it happily.

Massu walked up to the duo and said between mouthfuls of his beloved gyoza, “Why is Yamapi moping?”

“I’M NOT MOPING!! I’m... brooding.”

ohmigosh this is my absolutely FAVOURITE scene in the whole story; pi's i dont mope, i brood xD ABSOLUTE LOVEEEEEEEE <3
i love the way you write! it's just awesome *dies*

“Toma? Guess what? I’m finally coming home.”

*screams* how can you stop right there? ): now you must hurry and update with the second chapter! make kame come back and whip jin's ass yea xDDD


(p.s. is there any tomapi? =DDD *puppy dog eyes*


omichan92 July 5 2008, 07:09:12 UTC
oh yes! i remember what i wanted to say before i deleted my lovely long comment from before T_T

in return for your lovely fic, i'll write a fic for you (: any requests? haha (but you may need to wait awhile before you can get it because school's being evil T_T)


sadistic_brat July 5 2008, 07:13:41 UTC

YAY FIC~!! Hm... I want another '5 times Kame.....'

Something like '5 times Kame got pampered by NEWS's member-ai and AT-TUN got jealous'. Haha!! I was planning to write that but... ^^ You seem better at writing NEWS than I am!! Lol.

Take your time!! And thanks for reading!!


omichan92 July 5 2008, 07:15:19 UTC
haha okay! *files it up somewhere* i'll get to it when i have time (:


sadistic_brat July 5 2008, 07:11:45 UTC

YAY LONG COMMENT~!! Lol. Glad you liked it!! I had fun writing the fic too!!


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