the gala

Apr 10, 2008 17:40


I certainly was not expecting to be attending the gala at all, let alone as the Hokage's stand-in. But that is what happens when the best medic in all the world has managed to come down with the flu, of all things. And as it is a virus and therefore cannot be cured but only endured, and it would be rather bad form to infect the Daimyo, Tsurude-sama is staying home until he feels more human. Shizuya will be staying with him, to oversee his care, as I am told that Haruno will be attending as Uchiha's escort.

Speaking of escorts, I anticipate that interesting things may happen while I am escort/chaperoning Sarutobi and her niece. I have not had any contact with Sarutobi Konohako. Aside from being Sandaime-sama's granddaughter, the child is not especially note-worthy. Except for her admiration and idolization (to an extent) of Uzumaki. This will give me a chance to get to know the girl. And see if Asuka is as diffident of her as she portrays.

I wonder how many will be surprised to see me in a kimono.


Aki, make some free time. I need to speak with you before I leave.

tsurude, uchiha sachiko, haruno sakurai, the gala, uzumaki naruko, sarutobi konohako, sarutobi asuka, mitarashi aki, sandaime-sama

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