Politics right now is driving me nuts

Jul 12, 2011 10:01

Listening to or reading the news is an exercise in rage containment. Both the Democrats and the Republicans are making me see red. Let me see if I can re-enact this weekend for you.

Republicans - We want big cuts to social programs.
Obama - OK! Have it on a pretty platter! (thereby making the most vulnerable populations even less protected)
Democrats - We don't like this. At least put in some small tax revenue.
Republicans - Psyche! We never wanted a deal in the first place, you suckers!

Really gives you some faith in our political leaders, doesn't it?

OK, people are talking about job creation. But who is really creating jobs? Do we really think that licking more corporate ass will make big companies create jobs? Because right now, many major companies are sitting on cash reserves and still not hiring new workers. Why should they, when they can squeeze every drop of sweat out of their current employees who are scared to death of losing their jobs?

You want job creation? How about infrastructure? I am sure every state has multiple multi-year projects that can and will stimulate the economy. Start a few of those going and there you go, thousands of people are off unemployment and are paying taxes and contributing to the economy. Instead, we have douchebags like our own illustrious governor who give federal money that was already allocated back, thus giving the unemployed in Florida a big middle finger. And he is the hero?

How about relaxing some regulations on county or state levels so real entrepreneurs can get going? Another local example are food trucks in Miami. There are dozens of these things. And yet, I keep reading about the problems they have with trying to park those trucks places because of city ordinances. Hell, if people are worried about food safety, why not hire a few more food inspectors. More jobs created, more economy stimulated! Or how about politicians stop trying to shut down non-profits like Planned Parenthood, that not only provide a public good, but also employ the workers of this country. And I am sure there are other things like this that can be found.

Instead, we are going to spend the next month with the two major parties pointing fingers at each other. I have no doubt that seniors and the poor will get the shit end of this stick and that corporations will be pandered to. That's America, right?
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