Misunderstandings - parte dois

Apr 17, 2007 17:31

UPDATE on part I - she unblocked me right after I wrote the post. No, she's not aware of the existance of this journal, nor will she, ever, unless I wind up dating her and marrying her and having 10 children with her. Only then I'll show her this. lol.
Ok then, now, on to parte dois.
Another misunderstanding happened at the course party that took place last friday night. I had planned to stay home and watch NBA on ESPN while online on MSN, but Rodrigo's and Vivi's repeted requests for my presence at the party finally wore me down and I decided, on friday night, a couple of hours prior to the beginning of the party, that I'd go with them. The party was on a place called Big House - yes, the name of the place is in English. It's NOT called "casa grande" - and it was an "open bar" type of party. In case that term is not used in Australia, I'll explain: It's a party where you buy the ticket to get in and once inside you can drink all you want, or can, and you don't have to pay anything. We got in at about 11 PM. Most of the people there were from my course - Materials Engineering - so I knew about half the people there. I drinked heavily for several hours. I even danced with some girls I know - and with one I didn't know very well. I'll call her R.. She's in my course, but I don't have any classes with her. She's entered the course about a year after me, I think. I met her while I was doing some of my intership's work at IPAT last year. Early in the party, the girls that know me - and her as well - starting saying that I simply HAD to dance with them that night (to get out of the whole serious, stern image they have of me and blablabla). So after drinking a few (hundred) glasses of vodka with soda, R. started dancing with me, out of the blue, so I danced with her. No harm there. Oh, I forgot to mention, she was there with her BOYFRIEND.
The night progressed smoothly, I danced with other girls, took a few pictures, drank more and more vodka, laughed a lot with my friends, etc. At some point I went to the bar to get another drink and she was there. The barkeeper poured beer on my glass of vodka, she yelled at him for it (which was when I noticed it was her, lol.) I drank my half-beer half-vodka drink and talked to her for a while. She started dancing with me again, so since I was quite drunk, I danced to. No harm there. We danced for a while, I drank more, more and more, this time just beer. The barkeeper said they ran out of vodka, but later I found out he said that just because he was also drunk. ¬¬. Continuing. ..............................................
That was the blank spot in my head. LOL. I can remember only flashes from that period, which I think is about an hour or so, in length. At some point Vivi wanted to go home, so since I came with her, I went home. I got home ok and slept. Next morning I had classes as usual. So I got up and went to class. Fortunately the Engineering workshop that was taking place at the university continued, so we attended a lecture.
Now, saturday morning, when I dragged my half-drunk, half-hung-over body to the uni and then all the way to the auditorium in which the lecture was going to occur, I met a friend of mine. We talked about how it was a great party, etc. Then, R. showed up. I nodded to her, as usual. She came to me, kissed me on the cheek and hugged me. Now, at the time I almost forgot to hug her back, which would be even more bizare. I mean, I still have no idea why she did that. We certainly had nowhere near the intimacy for that hug. We're not friends or anything. She's just a girl that I run into at the uni occasionaly. So, after that we talked a bit and got in the auditorium. Fast foward to monday.
Got to the uni, saw her and a friend of hers coming at the distance (she usually waves). Nothing. Then later that morning we, and a few other people were at the CA "Centro Acadêmico" or Academic Centre. I knew another way to describe that but now I can't remember. I'll post it once I remember.
So I sat there, and coincidently she sat next to me. She didn't even turn to me to say a word. She talks a lot, usually. Her friends seemed to be giving me weird, not-too-friendly looks - paranoid, me? No...lol. - I stayed there a bit listening to what people were saying and left.
Monday afternoon, I think, I wrote her an e-mail trying to find out WTF is going on, only I used nice words and a much more gentle tone than "WTF is going on, huh?!" And I asked her, in the e-mail, if I did anything that upset her, at the party. I assume that if I had done something like that, she wouldn't have hugged me saturday morning, right after the party, but that's just me.
I think that even more lately, I want to set things straight. I want to know what's on people's mind, instead of wondering or playing mind games. I'm not in the mood for those. I think two inteligent people can work out virtualy anything if they talk as two inteligent people should. Even if in the end they decide never to talk again, I still think it's a better path then not talking.
PS: a few friends of mine, who didn't see the whole situation, thought I came on to her, since I was dancing a lot with her later on the party, apparently. But Vivi, who was close to me for the better part of the party saw the whole thing and told me that if anyone came on to someone, it was her, R., to me. Bottom line is nothing happened. We just danced. And because of that, I want to know WTF is going on. She can't block me on MSN too, she doesn't have mine. lol.
I know I could've made a much shorter version of this post, but I'm in the mood to write, so bear with me. I never told you to read the whole thing, did I? hehe.
If you did, than you're an insane cookie (I hate when people refer to others as cookies, but I'll make an exception here). But a nice, vanilla flavoured cookie with chocolate filling perhaps? Would that be tasty? Let me know. I'm into cooking. Maybe I'll search a recipe. : )
Ok, now I have to go to a study group. Nacht.
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