Nov 13, 2005 00:08
It's not safe, and that makes it all the better. The last time I did something so uncharacteristic things really fell into place (they worked for the time, at least).
Falling off a skyscraper. Who am I kidding?
Already fallen. Completely and utterly.
Foreshadowed. Expected. Still so surprising. At first finally.
So here's to being impulsive and open and throwing things and relinquishing power and not getting eight hours of sleep.
And Bush... I'm digging Bush right now. Not for any reason, though. Just in a Bush sort of mood currently.
And here's to my awesome immune system that has made me feel better within a fucking day, bitches. Too bad my stomach didn't get the memo that we're hardcore. If I get violent nausea from this antibiotic I am going to scream! And if I get a yeast infection... I am going to kill myself.
I love "A Rose for Emily"... and "A Village Singer," which it oddly reminds me of occasionally.