Aug 22, 2005 23:15
I'm just bored and feel like writing. But nothing to say have I. I talked to a lot of people today. Hehe... Daniel, Chelsea, Dan, Santiago, Leilani... umm... maybe that's it. Still, though, more than I normally would talk to in a day. Or at least DIFFERENT people than I would normally talk to in a day. I think Santiago and I are going to hang out tomorrow night. And Chelsea and I will be hanging out sometime in the next week. And I have plans with Daniel on thursday. Fuck... I need to call Shane and schedule a date with him. Haha. Yeah... yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah.
Umm... I need to tell someone something, but (like always) he's not picking up his phone. Karma (and weed) are bitches. Because this is all karma and marijuana's faults. If I didn't insist on not picking up my phone when people call ME, and he didn't insist on being so high that he renders himself entirely useless, this wouldn't be eating a hole into me. ACK! This is big stuff. This is like resurrection big. It's like Leilani's boyfriend has an eight inch cock, and she thought she should tell me big. This is like... Dan and I talked, and I learned something big about someone who I had no idea that Dan knew especially since Dan and I haven't talked for seriously two years probably but he called me today cause he was "thinking about me" and I don't know how he even came to randomly bring her up but I know something about someone's something and I know it's bad to tattle but if I don't tell the person I need to tell to tell the person he needs to tell some gross things could transpire. And by gross I mean equivalent but not related in subject matter to the pictures of STDs that my biology professor showed and the video of labor that Shane said I missed (I think that was the day that I didn't go to class cause I did something totally bad the night before).
In related news, my uterus feels like it is going to explode. For no good reason. It just feels as if it is going to explode into my body. And kill me. Instantaneously.
I would really like to talk to Ray. That would really make me contented. And not for any crazy reason. I just would like to chat. Because I was enjoying our chatting that took place earlier this summer. If anyone who reads this can explain to me why there cannot be any Ray-Claire chatting or could make Ray-Claire chatting possible, please call me and speak to me about this topic. 353-6268. Because seriously, I saw the FUNNIEST commercial tonight, and only Ray would understand the HILARITY of said commercial. Only Ray. No one else. EVER. Not even a vaccuum.
Hehehe... vacuums.
Twitchy twitchy. I don't work til 9:45 tomorrow. Sweet motha fucka!
The Chad was great. And the other Chad is silly and likes sleep even more than I do. That's a lie. Sleeping more than me? Impossible! He just really likes alone time. Not necesarily sleep.
"Kissy Face sunk today"
"Aw... I'm sorry your fish died."
"Died? I thought he was just scuba diving."
"Oh... he umm... probably was. I don't know a lot about fish."
Eesh. Good going, Claire.