turd on the blower like.
thats how ging sleeps.
don't leave your camera lying around, next time you check there will be 36! photos of tanis' face on it.
she's not the only one who likes to take photos of themself.
my lovely boyfriend and look at turds eyes. scary.
he likes to take naps on my floor.
oh look, it's tanis and chris.
father & son, what a fucking legend dino is. he proper got angry at aaron for messing the photos up and made me take it 5 times haha. LEGEND.
thats me and some apple juice.
i like the way i'm just going on my normal everyday business as of all is fine and i'm not wearing the stupidest glasses known to mankind.
slim shaved his head once.
there's me and chris.
aaron enjoys taking bad photos of everyone. is that a bogey?
there's always time for a bad photo of tanis.
this is what i do for fun. then i draw tits on myself in paint. i'm cool.