Chasing Rainbows: 3.8

Jan 09, 2010 20:06

Warnings: Language, adult situations, picture-heavy

Orange spouse Melon Drop is by brilliantcat

Just to remind us all what generation we’re really on:

The two orange guys are still very much the cavity-inducing couple

They’re still crazy for each other…

…very much so
I’m gonna miss these guys

Warning: Mils spam imminent

See what I mean about the karaoke fear? It’s nuts! And it can’t be doing him any favours, either


…he is very much a Mummy’s boy - right down to the singing in his undies

And when he’s had enough of that…

…it’s off to try his luck at the dance sphere… with no body points (that I know of). No good can come of this…

Well, whad’ya know? He should’ve got a wish to peak dance, just for continuity’s sake

I just knew that wasn’t gonna end well. Don’t worry, sweetie - get studying physio at Uni, and you’ll get to show that thing who’s boss when you come back

I made a god out of blood
Not superiority
I killed the king of deceit
Now I sleep in anarchy...

A little clue as to the music station for red - Nec’s put some real dark stuff in techno
Speaking of music, you sure that’s not your real PDH, Mils?

Mils: Hey, you burn off a lot of calories dancing, you know

True… and I must remember, we’re coming to the end of orange, not starting red!

Chess is serious stuff, don’t’cha know.

Looks like Pyr’s found the parrot. Just remember to put him back in his cage before he gets too hungry…

And Persy continues to be Persy


There he goes

There he goes again…

While we’re in a musical mood:

For being fitness/science freaks, they sure have a funny way of showing it. Still, it’s pretty cute seeing Pyr dancing to his brother’s music

Ah, autonomous charisma building! Thanks very much!

Seriously, he stayed there for ages. I don’t mind, since he didn’t get much as a tot.

Oh, lovely, we have this again.

Eh, he only builds it up again some time later. No big.

And we get a visitor - who I didn’t notice until I heard the dance sphere going:

Wow, that’s pretty impressive, Oz! All that swimming and Uni training really paid off, huh?

Oz: Ugh… not well enough.

While we’re on the subject of hobbies:

I wondered how long that would take

And Mils gets into practice with the ‘talk about hobby’ fix… except it only helped Mils. How nice

Still, Mils just wants to spend some quality time with his bro

There is one small problem with that, though:

We’re only just coming into Spring, so it’s still a little chilly outside.

Mils’ turn for the hobby cards. Ugh… Well, I know what I’d do, and he seems pretty similar, so…

…that’s the thanks he gets? Ugh… being nice is thankless sometimes, it really is.

Still, he isn’t too bothered…

…not when he gets an early home-coming present in the form of his mum’s old car! Well, Persy isn’t using it anymore, and Mils will need a flashy number for his getaways, so…

Mils: Not in this colour, though.

Me: Oh, hell no. You’d stick out like a sore thumb!

Mils: That’s not what I was thinking, actually.

Me: I know, I know. You just want a reason to paint it red, don’t you?!

Mils: Mmmm, maaaaaybe…

… You know, given the colour, maybe his LTW’s appropriate after all. Certainly makes things more interesting

Meanwhile, Persy gets a visitor:

Coby! Hey there sweetie!
Now, just remember; you’re engaged and he’s married, so…

Coby: Not to mention I’m carrying his cousin? Relax, I operate a ‘look but don’t touch’ policy.

Me: Good lad. Carry on.

Much time later - wow, is it that time already?

Pyr: It certainly is! Ah, feels so good to be able to look after myself properly!

Me: The feeling’s mutual, trust me.

So, how’s he doing?

Ah-ha! I knew it! I just knew he’d wind up knowledge!

If he continues this trend of being the most capable NTH to date, this is gonna be a doddle!

Ah, hello Apricot. You’re not gonna go scaring everyone (half) to death, I trust?

Pyr: Ouch… need body points.

Me: Yes, you do. You also know where the pool is…

Pyr: Whoah, you made me jump, lady!

Knew it was too good to be true
Still, the joke’s on her…

With two knowledge sims in the place, they stand more chance of staying happy with every ghost sighting! That want is a high scorer!

Now then - remember what I said about ACR?

Yes Coby, I know he’s cute, but you’re taken and he needs a PT sim, so…

Coby: Don’t stop me looking, does it?!

Me: True

That’s not why I took this pic, though. Hmm, let’s see - Coby’s a Gemini, and he fancies Mils. Good sign - please let this mean he’ll be less picky than his mum!

Apricot: Guess who’s back - back again!

Cute, Apricot, real cute. Just, let him live? Please?

Oh yeah, the auto-randomiser kicked in:

Okay, this is getting kinda creepy. Three generations in a row this has happened now; one rolling bisexual and ending up as heir, and at least one spare rolling gay. Hrm… wonder how long I can keep this going?

Anyway, LTW:

Oh, that is so apt. I know you do nothing but play games ‘til you get to the top, but you have no real idea what goes into game design unless you’ve had a taste of it
Especially since Maths is one of the courses that’s best suited for this career.

And, just when we thought we’d seen the last of that damn chance card…

… it crops up again. Okay, let’s revert to plan A…

That’s better

So, with everyone else away, that leaves Persy and Coby alone... watch TV together. Those two are very loyal, I’ll give them that

I’ve taken to getting homework out of the way shortly after they get home. It’s so nice to be able to do that.

Meanwhile, there’s funny business going on upstairs:

What happened there? … Oh, wait… Oz, really - you tried to flirt with him, didn’t you?!

Coby, please, get some creativity points under your belt first!

We interrupt this oh-so-exciting program to bring you some chance card spam!

Um… something tells me Pyr is actually more on the quiet side.

Ah, thank you - and it’s his PDH, too.

I didn’t call it spam for nothing! Ugh… and it’s this one again, too!

I love you too

So, there’s this interesting side-effect of the custom GUI being transparent, isn’t there? What’s going on back there?

Well, with time ticking away and Mils slowly approaching adulthood, there was something else I wanted to do for Persy while I had the chance:

There was a good reason I likened him to Pear. Just like the lime gen alien, this guy needs his youth.

I mean, really - him getting old? I’d immortalise him if I could, but I’ll settle for the next best thing.

Talking of favourites:

I figured it was safe now for Mel to bring back his pal Tahiti - who needs as many friends as he can get, since I don’t have the ‘no friends needed for careers’ cheat, ‘cause that’s just what it is

This time is very different for the former lime heir - meeting new people while partaking in his favourite activity. No wonder he’s happy

Meanwhile - in the bathroom, of all places:

Mel: I feel the strangest tingling all through my bones…

Um, yeah, there’s quite an age gap between him and Persy - even more now with that green stuff, but that’s beside the point.

Still, you think it bothers Persy at all?

Does it hell
Those wants for Mel rolled not long after he aged, strangely enough. I’m pretty sure grey hair isn’t among his turn-ons…

Ah, much better than the grief he suffered before. We got there in the end, eh?

Persy even has a special birthday gift for his hubby:

That is honestly the first thing they did after Mel grew up! Age gap? What age gap?!

He never got the chance to do this in his former life, but thankfully I happen to know he peaked creativity some time ago. Sounding great, TaTa, I’m sure the kids’ll love it

Only one thing, though - it’s night-time…

What’s up with you? Are you upset over my moving the urns? They work better on the fireplace, really - don’t know why the OMSP idea didn’t occur to me before.

Still… Jasper’s awake. You know what this means, right?

Pyr: Oh wow, a ghost! Awesome!


Mils: Whoah!! Nice to see you too, Mister! Except…

Mils: The bastard made me piss myself AGAIN! It’s not fair!!

Jasper’s on a rampage tonight

Still, at least this time he picked on different people. I really don’t need any of these guys dying on me, thanks.

And Pyr proves to be as self-sufficient as ever. Thanks sweetie, you may just save one or two lives tonight!

Do you see? … Hey, that’s Apricot! Oi! Down, girl!

The next day, we finally get a different chance card:

Eh… does it make any difference?! Oh well, stab in the dark…

Oh really? Who’ll that be, the paper boy?!

No, seriously, I have no teens in this game - until Erin gets older, that is. I’ve had bad experiences with teens and the FT bug where they have no aspiration when they grow up.

Persy: Ah, the taste of prolonged youth is so sweet! I feel ready to take on the world!

Me: ... Steady on there, Persy; you’re not that young anymore, you know.

Oh, yikes… I’m pretty worried about this. Mils is obviously preparing a hot meal, and the way he’s hacking at the veg hints at a strong lack of cooking points…

Mils: Hey, relax. I’m a fast learner.

Wow… you sure are.

Meanwhile, outside we witness a once-in-a-lifetime event!

Persy using the swimming pool?! Savour this moment folks, it may be the only time you see him in swimwear!

Oh, great - Mils, that food’s gone off. Please to not make yourself sick?

Oh, hello trouble. You and your boyfriend working shifts now?

I’ll take that as a yes

Mils: Eeew, this is awful!

Me: Well spotted
You’d better not get food poisoning.

Oh, lovely. Course, the trouble with perma-plat sims is, you can’t tell how their motives are doing. Thankfully he survived.

I wondered when we’d get to see the formalwear with this guy! That is hot! Certainly befitting a future criminal mastermind, eh?

At first I thought he was starting to crack, but on checking his aspiration, I’m more inclined to think he’s just being a prat

Oh hello, I wondered when that would start. I’m keeping an eye on you two, especially at Uni

Still, Mel goes on to show how much of a factor age really is:

Or isn’t, as the case may be

Although being thrown out of the dance sphere can’t be doing his old bones any favours.

I was so focussed on Mils’ life bar, I completely forgot that Pyr could take off any time.

So, before he had the chance to bring any more homework home, I chose now to send him off.

Laters, Pyr! See you at Uni!

A few hours later:

Oh, thank you! Never mind your low aspiration, sweetie, that’ll all be taken care of very shortly. Boy, was that a long time coming - better get used to it though, since in AS you can’t send them to Uni.

YES! Yes, I want him gone already!

Ta-ta Mils! See you next update!

Boy, does this guy have it easy. One, single, solitary sibling to babysit at Uni, and both his parents have proved to be pretty trustworthy with the babies, just for a change. The only problem will be the ghosts, but I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.
  • Torch-Holders = 3
  • Perma-Platinum sims = 3
  • Shrink Visits = 3
  • Social Bunny Visits = 0
  • Social Worker Visits = 0
  • Fires: 10
  • Self-Wettings: 13
  • Pass-Outs: 21
  • Fights: 0
  • Accidental Deaths = 1
  • Number of Special Tombstones vs. Total Death Count = 3/4
  • Reach top of a career = 2
  • $100,000 = 4

ixchel, rainbow, pixel trade, colour: orange, isbi, legacy

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