Chasing Rainbows: 3.1

Dec 21, 2009 15:07

Warnings: Pixel nudity, adult situations, language

Brown spouse Apricot Drop and orange partner Melon Drop are both by brilliantcat

Ah, back to the main house, all oranged up and ready to go.

Ready your sunglasses this gen; you may well need them.

In the meantime:

Mel is recruited to the cause - let’s get that damn hat off. Apart from that, though - think I’ll keep his clothes the same, since he’s from orange gen in a different game
Now then, what does he want in life?

Ha... hahahaha. Not going to happen Mel, sorry.

So, how does former torch-holder Ochre celebrate his new independence?

Getting down and dirty with his wife, how else?

As for Persy celebrating his fiancé’s moving in?

Making red babies, I hope!

Ooh, Ochre knows how to cook for himself! Yay! No fires or even charcoal, either!

Ochre: And that’s how it works. You need to be real sneaky with those kids too; pounce ‘em the moment you think they’re in the right mood and get in that game of red hands...

Yes, there’s an empty space where Mel should be...

He’s busy cleaning the bath like a good boy
I like this guy already.

Persy: Nice of you to join us, sweetie!

Mel: I got hungry.

Ah, cleaning the bath and eating when he should... I’m in heaven

The removal of nobuskers has, as I suspected, resulted in loads of wannabe performers
Also as suspected, it fixed the enthusiasm problem. Oh joy. Never mind, it boosts creativity at least.

Oh you two... Heh. Who needs love potion or loads of chemistry, huh?

Come on Persy, tear yourself away from him for a moment...

You need to find a job... focus on the task at hand, if you please

Persy: But I’m missing him already...

Mel: Ah, there you are!

These two are cavity-inducing
No babies yet, though

Ooh, what is this? Sleeping in the right beds?!

Even Apricot’s doing it! You feeling alright, girl?

The next day rolls around, and it’s time for Mel to head off to work. Now, I happen to know from playing another lot that he’s in the education track, but how high up is he?

Pretty far, by the looks of things! Good to know.

While he’s gone, we get a visitor:

Hey! What’d Persy ever do to you, Sangy?

Look who Mel brought home!
Hey there TaTa, how’s it going?

Yeah, that’s how I knew what he does for a living - Tahiti there is not only one of mine, he’s also playable. Oh yeah, and I changed his hair, since that full blown lime mop didn’t go so well with this skin.

Come on you two, I need red babies please. Preferably this side of Christmas

In the meantime - what happens when the guests are left alone:

Sangy is starting to piss me off. Do not be picking on my favourite sims, kthx

Mel returns from another unfruitful bed session to be thrown out of the dance sphere, while outside:

Hey, HEY! All this because he wasn’t interested in your bragging, Ochre?! LEAVE HIM ALONE RIGHT NOW!

That’s better. No picking on the Tahiti, thank you very much
All the same, think I’ll pass on bringing friends home for the time being.

Once Ochre’s got over himself...

... he heads for his dad’s karaoke machine
Persy is definitely his father’s son, huh?

Then it’s on to show the dance sphere who’s boss:

Whoa, what is going on there?
I’m starting to understand how it’s called a dance sphere, now - I had wondered.

So, anyway - it’s another rush job, but...

... it’s about time those two got hitched. It may be why neither of them have got knocked up yet.

Besides, I’m making the most out of not needing a wedding party. I will be starting an Awesomesauce challenge soon.

Persy: Having fun in there, Dad?

Ochre: Having a blast, thank you!

That guy’s been in there for hours! Surely he’s hungry or something by now?

Meet Satsuma, my ticket to autonomous charisma building for the NTHs
When he learns to talk, of course:

S’cuse the change of camera angle - this one’s better.

Persy: Okay, say orange! Orange!

It would be a really good idea to stay with the bird right now, Persy.

Persy: Orange! ... It’s okay, take your time; just help me drown out the sound of shagging parents, if you don’t mind.

Satsuma: Shagging parents! Shagging parents!

Persy: (Oh cripes, what have I done?!)

Ahem... moving swiftly on:

Happy birthday, Apricot! Damn, I’d forgotten how well she ages! Looks like she got her goal just in time:

Ah, that’s better. ... Oh, sounds like Mel’s back:

Who else would be unskilled enough to batter the keys?

Persy: Oh, hello there. Yeah, we have quite a few breakages already, and I don’t have time to fix them all...

Wouldn’t want anything intruding on your precious singing time, would we?

Hope you like those undies, by the way. You’ll be seeing a lot of them.

Like so. With max body points, we have another able to handle the dance sphere.

And Apricot gets the hang of karaoke. She still has it

Oh, Ochre! Come on, you’ve proved yourself capable of fixing fresh food by yourself; surely that’s more appetising than bad chicken?

Ochre: I couldn’t wait. Besides, it’s not that bad...

Ew. Um, yeah - moving on:

Oh, lovely. Let’s see; everyone’s health-mad these days.

Um, yeah, we know all about plantsims, thanks

Meanwhile, Persy was being a typical wealth sim and wanting an expensive car:

So I got him a Lamborghini. Looking nice there, Persy

And once he’s home:

I figured now would be a good time to break out the comfort soup.

Meanwhile, it’s turning out to be a good thing the piano’s so addictive - Mel’s actually sounding pretty good now.

Just when all was well, however:

Damn it, Persy! Thanks a lot... and get your hands out of there, stat!

Persy: But it’s so pretty and orangey and... ow! That’s hot!

Me: No shit, Sherlock
Well, don’t just stand there, do something!

Thank you.

Meanwhile, sounds like someone’s broken the lift again:

Oh, great! Had to be Mel, didn’t it... and he took a hefty aspiration hit, too

Three... two... one...

There he goes
Ugh... I was doing so well, too.

Cue shrink visit number two. Gotta admit though, on that scale I’ve not been doing that bad.

Try telling that to this poor guy, though. I do hope you weren’t like that in front of the kids, Mel.

On a happier note:

Yeeeeeess! So far, in this game at least, Persy holds the trophy for Fastest Achieved LTW! Get in!

  • Torch-Holders = 3
  • Perma-Platinum sims = 3
  • Shrink Visits = 2
  • Social Bunny Visits = 0
  • Social Worker Visits = 0
  • Fires: 8
  • Self-Wettings: 5
  • Pass-Outs: 19
  • Fights: 0
  • Accidental Deaths = 0
  • Number of Special Tombstones vs. Total Death Count = 1/2
  • Reach top of a career = 2
  • $100,000 = 2

ixchel, rainbow, pixel trade, colour: orange, isbi, legacy

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