Chasing Rainbows: 1.5

Oct 30, 2009 15:49

Warnings: Language, pixel nudity, adult situations, picture-heavy

Founder Xanthe Ixchel (known as Lulu Darling in a past life) is by simsforaranya, and partner Jasper Cojones is by xel_squirgle_ox

So, Bruno’s now a kidlet. He spent his toddler years being well looked after (for the most part), getting all basic skills learnt, and got to grow up well as a result. How does he handle his childhood?

Um... Bruno, you have a bed. Nothing stopping you going to sleep in it.

So, instead of sleeping, he has a play on the piano

Then he makes himself a muffin. I thought you were tired?!

So you favour the couch over that comfy bed plasticbox provided for you?! Sheesh.

Bruno: Hey, Dad, I’m trying to sleep here.

Jasper: You have a bed for that, Bruno. Go sleep in that, I need my practice.

You tell him, Jasper!

But instead of sleeping like he so badly needs to, he decides to go stargazing instead.

Bruno: Oh crap! I forgot all about that!

One muffin later:

Go. To. Bed. You know, like your father...

See, he knows where his bed is! What’s your excuse?!

Thank you so much plasticbox, for putting a stereo in the front room!

The next day we get back to some form of normality:

Xanthe: So, you need to do well at school if you want to earn lots of money later on!

Oh yes, school. That starts tomorrow. Enjoy the lack of homework while it lasts, Sarah...

Meanwhile, we still have baby twins. Little Ochre makes best friend number five. I’m not doing as well with this LTW as I’d hoped

Le gasp! What is this? Jasper passing a baby to the torch-holder, rather than dropping it on the floor?!

His win doesn’t last, sadly...

Jasper: I knew moving in was a mistake. What was I thinking? What happened to freedom?

Bruno has a rare moment of win at school:


Ecru: (Hey guys, I’m all smelly and wet here... can one of you do something about it please?)

Parents of the Year, definitely

Bruno: C? Is that all I get for my first day?

Me: We all have to start somewhere, you know.

Oh crap, I just remembered... His parents are in the front room!

Oh... never mind.
That’s what happens when you refuse to sleep in your bed.

Hey Jasper, as nice as it is for you to keep your son from starving, that’s not what he needs right now.

No, don’t put him on the floor! He needs changing!

Oh well, at least some good came of his hating leftovers.

Oh, it’s awake. Yep, we have loads of nice couches for you to lounge on... quit moaning about your discomfort and do something about it!

Better. There, that wasn’t so hard, was it?!

Bruno: I’m tired!

So go to bed then!

That means go to bed, not make yourself a muffin!

It’s not just the kids failing this update:

Jasper: Oh dear... look, I’ve fed you, what else do you want?!

Ecru: (I need changing, you idiot! Do you have no sense of smell or something?!)

You have a bed, damn you. Go flamin’ sleep in it.

This kid is really starting to piss me off.

And so’s Jasper! You were doing so well man, what happened?!

Xanthe: What’s going on lately? Does the boy not know where his bed is?!

Good question, Xanthe. Good question.

She does not need feeding, Jasper!

Oh, thank heavens; time for the twins to grow up! Ochre gets aged first.

Don’t you dare pull the starving routine on me, Jasper. You’ve proved time and again that you’re capable of fixing your own meals, and that’s with leftovers in the fridge. Leave the baby alone and do something about it.

Now I see where Bruno gets it from. You’d better not drop dead once you get out of bed, Mister.

Ecru’s turn to grow up!

And becomes best friend number six.

Thankfully, Jasper regains enough sense to fix his hunger problem.

Oh for cryin’ out loud... smart milk not good enough for you Ecru, you have to drink spoiled normal milk too?

Serves you right. You can’t be that hungry, surely.

Jasper: Oh damn it. That’s what I get for being adventurous, I guess.

Mm-hmm. Someone’s losing his touch with the food.

At least Xanthe finds some time to play with the babies.

After hearing something about Smart Beds (which I kept to hopefully tell Jasper to stay in his own bed) not playing nice with custom beds, I decided to try something with Bruno.

And what do you know, it works! Good boy!

The aspiration issues continue, however:

Ochre: (Why won’t anyone take notice of me?)

They are trying, honest. Let’s see, is now a good time to start the potty training?

Maybe not, but it means one less nappy to change.

Ecru: Take notice of me, Mummy!

Ochre: (Never mind her, what about me?!)

Jasper: Never mind them, what about me?!

Okay, let’s see; romance sims usually want to flirt, have sex, etc...

Damn it. Oh well, at least he got some attention.

I was scratching my head over this for a while, before I selected him to see what the fuss was about. Turns out he was trying to use the oven. Which is odd, considering this...

Bruno: I’m sooo bored!!

You’re perfectly capable of fixing that yourself, kid.

Although it’s also a good reason to keep relationships up with the parents.

That’s not for you, Jasper! I got that out for Bruno!

Jasper: Hey, what can I say? I worked up an appetite

Now look what you’ve done. I’m just grateful for Simsky’s smoke alarm.

Bruno: No, I’m not doing my homework! You can’t make me!

I was hoping his icon was green enough to get him to work on it. Obviously it wasn’t.

Bruno: Erm, Dad... you okay?

Jasper: No, I’m not okay! Do I look okay to you?!

Geez, no need to take your issues out on your kids...

Mind you, talking about his hobby made it all better - for both of them.

I don’t actually mind this too much. Anything to bring up Bruno’s fun and/or social enough to play catch-up later.

In the meantime...

...we have our first family meal!

Right, he’s fed and hopefully entertained. Let’s try this again:

Yay! The other one can wait; how I love the weekend.

Speaking of which:

Bruno has a nice game of catch with his mum...

Xanthe: Hey, careful with that ball, kid! You could have taken an eye out!

Oh... great. We have a mean sim. Now where have I seen that before?!

Back in the nursery...

Huggles! I never tire of huggles!

Jasper! You have a bed! Do you have to pinch your son’s?

Two down! No more nappy changing... I hope.

No-brainer or what? No way would I let that kid copy mine if I was him.

I should think so, too.

If in doubt, talk about his favourite hobby. If they get enough time later, they’ll need a date to keep their spirits up.

Talking of which, Ochre is back in the green.

Oh crap. Knew I’d forgotten something... Why didn’t they want to be potty-trained? That would’ve made it so much better for them

Never mind though. Okay, let’s get to work.

Ecru needed a break, which is just as well since Ochre seems to need it most.

Yay! One down!

Ecru: I stinky! Need bath!

Christ, you’re as bad as your brother. You’re fully potty-trained girl, you’ve no excuse.

Two down! I’m getting there, with the help of smart milk of course.

Bruno: Ah, the sweet smell of success and freshly-baked muffin. No more charcoal for me!

Oh, good boy Jasper! Thanks very much!

In more than one way; he’s left the remaining breakfast plate for the right person this time.

Wha...? You have a shower upstairs! What’s stopping you using it?!

Okay, let’s get this homework out of the way shall we?

Was that a stroke of luck or what?

There you go; proof that Bruno is more than capable of entertaining himself.

Xanthe: Just this one more, then you’ll have the rest of the weekend to yourself.

Despite her frustration with the block puzzle, Ecru is doing very well for herself.

Now this? This is proof that my game’s weird. Mean sims act just as nice as their better-disposed counterparts in my game
Not that I’m complaining, although it’ll be interesting how this affects my AS game come black gen.

Thank you Jasper, for remembering you have your own bed

One down on the learning to talk!

Wow... I don’t know why I’m so surprised; he’s on that thing almost as much as his dad. Plus the smart milk sticks. Every time

Two down! No raging kidlets in my game!

Hey! Cheeky cow... point that lens somewhere else, if you please

These two chat a lot. I’ve yet to see them have a bad conversation, either.

And then... it finally happens!

The twins have their birthdays! Wooo!

Awesome! Top score!

Oh Ochre, your timing for attention-seeking is impeachable. It really is. ILUSM right now

Ta-da! He’s gonna need a hair-cut, I think

His meter slipped below platinum just before he grew up - ain’t that just typical?!
Oh well, at least he still got a good score.

Now comes the real fun - three lots of homework to take care of! Oh joy...
  • Torch-Holders = 1
  • Perma-Platinum sims = 0
  • Shrink Visits = 0
  • Social Bunny Visits = 0
  • Social Worker Visits = 0
  • Fires: 2
  • Self-Wettings: 0
  • Pass-Outs: 2
  • Fights: 0
  • Accidental Deaths = 0
  • Number of Special Tombstones vs. Total Death Count = 0/0
  • Reach top of a career = 0
  • $100,000 = 0

ixchel, rainbow, pixel trade, colour: yellow, isbi, legacy

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