Sep 13, 2021 19:58
There was this big big big mall located in New York [City] and I think I was working there. But it wasn't just a mall, it was a school and hospital, too. I think I was working in the hospital section at some point. I remember seeing one of the teachers from Humanities, the one with brown hair that called us "morning glories". She was a boss lady. I don't remember who I ended up running around with, but it was some girl from school. I want to say Megan, or Devon, or a mix of the two.
We were tasked with meeting a patient outside, but we weren't clear on where exactly the cab would be dropping them off. We ran in circles and eventually got fed up with each other, I think because I wanted to stop at what felt like an obvious entrance and she wanted to keep going as if we hadn't circled the massive place multiple times.
At some point I pulled up a gps map of where the cab in question was, and it became a big jumble after that and I just remember walking back inside and ending up inside a classroom. Some teacher was reaming me on maps I had watercolored, but she was kind of nice about it? Someone else kept butting in, trying to put me down, and she'd end up shutting them down. The issue was how I kept using orange even though there wasn't orange in the paint pallet we had been given. Well, I managed to create it, so why couldn't I use it when it was in the original maps and we were supposed to be copying the original maps?