Jun 10, 2013 11:48
I was at some family party thing and most likely didn't want to be there, so when Dana asked if I wanted to go somewhere, I jumped up and left with her. We drove through some city loop and ended up at a gas station. She was taking forever and I was like come on, come on, we are missing [it]! (It may refer to the Olympics? I remember some big sporting event being on the television) Then she said we were going to wait around for forty minutes before heading home. I got SO mad! I guess because I was under the impression we were heading straight home and if we were going to be waiting around at a gas station I would have just stayed at the party dealy. In my rage, I told her I was walking home and she tried to stop me, though she didn't try very hard. I made it home in an instant, but I decided I was going to run away? Yeah, that'll show them...??? So, I cut across Lewis' yard and snuck through some fields under the cover of darkness until I ended up around that yard where Sarah and Emily used to live? With the little pond? I was going to keep going until I saw bright lights and heard music and people across the field (to the east) which caught my interest. I realized Reunion Tower was out there! And a live band! I walked a little more and stopped in front of Rachel's house where I sat/stood with her and a few other people, one being Selene, who asked why I didn't tell her I was leaving to come here. I fumbled through a lie saying, "I texted you saying I canceled our plans" and pulled out my phone to show her the text that wasn't really there. I said, "Is your number ---" and she said yes and I was like, "Uoohhh, I must have sent it to somebody else! Whoopsies, sorry." Anyway, then I tried to take a picture of the tower (which alternated between white and pink), band, and the HUMONGOUS moon in the background but for some reason couldn't take the picture. So, I just looked at the moon through my phone's camera and got all excited when I could see the tracks and footprints from the moon landing. Some guy next to me wanted to look, and then I guess he wanted his picture taken with the moon? I couldn't understand him. He was speaking French! Then I think I started following him around, or he followed me around, and I guess I helped him out some way or another and he picked up this beautiful green and gold shawl and I thought he was going to give it to me in thanks for my help, but he just smiled and wrapped it around himself and got in line at this long table with pens and pins and booklets etc on it. (I was kinda ticked he didn't give me the shawl, hah) As it turns out, Stars players were at the end of the table signing autographs. I had a little memo pad type thing with me so I thought they could sign that! Haha. I ran into Mom there and she was more interested in these little "friendship pins" which were two square things chained together with, like, kittens and puppies on each. I don't even know... I woke up before I got to the end of the table so I don't know if anybody was even really there.
reunion tower,