fuckety fuck

May 31, 2010 12:48

seems like facebook has seriously impacted my ability to write longer posts.

that's not a good thing.

Right now, there's what is apparently a pretty big demonstration down at the Israeli consulate. (because of the attacks on the freedom flotilla; you've surely heard about this by now) I wish i could be there but I'm busy hacking up large chunks of my lungs. I haven't had a chest cold since I quit smoking. i forgot how lovely it is. I also don't know how you know when something is gonna pass and when you need medical intervention. I started having this weird rasp in m chest on Wednesday, and was pretty sick on saturday, but marched in Carnival to support my lovely daughter who was dancing, and that really fucked me up. So I'm trying to stay low key.

I already carry so much angst about not being able to do as much activism, about having to do my job instead of march, raise my kid instead of organize, etc, so to have to miss the protest against the diamondbacks bummed me out, and of course to not get out there today is really hard. I think if I was not a parent I would be pretty deeply embedded in the palestine solidarity movement, and for awhile I did manage to be pretty involved, and I miss it, and I really miss being able to be part of that big crowd of people voicing outrage and calling for accountability. I only know personally one of the people on the boats, but knowing people personally is not required to be outraged when they are fucking slaughtered.

and then, as though killing at least 10 people in international waters wasn't enough, at a demo about the freedom flotilla in I think the west bank this morning, a US solidarity activist got her eye taken out by a tear gas grenade. The IOF obviously makes a practice of shooting people in the head with those things. I wish I could think that unlike when Palestinians get maimed or killed, the world will take notice when a young american gets maimed...but Rachel Corrie and Tristan Anderson remind me that, no. Or, let me amend that. I think perhaps the world does take notice. It's the goddamned U.S. of fucking A that doesn't. I seriously wonder, what would it take for the US to withdraw support from Israel? Is there anything that would do it?

so I'm ling here coughing and damn, i hurts. haven't coughed myself to puking yet but have come close. My throat feels like glass shards, and my stomach is upset from the cough drops and shit.

so yeah, a live journal post, all about bein miserable. bleah.

but you know what?


it will fall.

it will.

edited to add: happy fucking memorial day.

palestine, whining, gaza

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