new posts on DAM blog

Nov 23, 2009 16:28

this time there are two pretty great and thoughtful posts from Eddie and from Stephen. then there are two photo posts. check it out!

From Eddie's post:

At the surface level, many times upon first meeting me people in the West Bank told me they had perceived me to be Arab. We’d smile, I say thank you, and then when asked my family’s origin I would reply, “Mexican.” After that, I would even start to get introduced as “Doesn’t he look Arab?” or “This is Eddie from the other village over…” jokingly in Arabic.

On the flip-side, is what treatment comes from being a person of color by the colonizers

From Stephen's post:

If it’s Sunday night chances are Susan Laurenco is having a hard time getting to sleep. She’s a volunteer for Machsom Watch who has been monitoring checkpoints in the West Bank nearly every weekend for 5 years. Members of Machsom (Hebrew for “barrier”) sign up for shifts to witness and document the struggles Palestinians face every day. The work has an emotional weight that can induce insomnia.


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