powerful new post on the DAM blog

Nov 14, 2009 10:36


cross posted; as always, please forward and repost widely!

(note: I know I'm posting lots; obviously once the delegation is over, I'll stop. They're over half way through their time there)


When we crossed the Egyptian border at Taba, into the 1948 boundaries of the Israeli state, I ran over to the earthy cliff beside the road and touched Palestinian soil. Hours later, after dusk, we swam in the bathwater-warm Red Sea, and I felt this place soaking into my pores. I got involved in Palestine solidarity organizing when the second intifada began in 2000, and ached to come here for years. But the pain of being able to walk right in, holding my U.S. passport, into the homeland that millions of Palestinians in the diaspora are not allowed to return to, kept me focused on the work I believe is primary for U.S. citizens anyway: working within the U.S. to change our government’s policies, and to build popular support for Palestinians trying to live in peace.

The brutality of “Operation Cast Lead,” this winter’s attacks on the already besieged population of Gaza, jolted me over my block about coming here. When I became involved with the Dialogues Against Militarism delegation, it became clear to me that this was the way in which I needed to finally come to Palestine.


We didn’t reach Palestine, as currently defined, until a few days ago. When we left Jerusalem and entered the West Bank, I broke down in joy and rage. Leaning against the window looking at the apartheid wall, my fists clenched, gripping the seat, wanting to kick out hard and scream. Joy at finally being here and the rage at what my U.S. tax dollars are subsidizing here.

read the rest at their blog. it's good. and this one is by my clare.


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