delux_vivens I found this
discussion of a book that references the Vermont Eugenics Project I grew up in
the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, and I come from an old yankee vermont family (although I now live on the other coast) and I had, up until about an hour ago, never heard of the
Vermont Eugenics Program. Growing up, I was barely aware even of the existence of
the Abenaki people. it seems, just based on things I hear from my mom, that perhaps the local Abanaki have a higher profile now than they did 20 years ago? But in recent years I've wondered about how little I ever heard or learned about the Abanaki, and perhaps this is a key to why...the hiding and camouflaging that people had to do in order to survive. it makes me wonder if perhaps I grew up with children who were Abenaki without knowing it.
I am proud of my vermonter roots, proud of the way the state of vermont often leads in progressive way (ie, being so anti-war, first state with civil unions, Jim Jeffords, Bernie Sanders, etc) and moving back there someday is an open question. And so it is good to learn more about the realities of where I am from. My great-great grandfather was in the state government, and now I have questions about how deep my family's complicity with this project might be.(although I just checked and he was in government about 20 years before this project kicked off).