
Feb 06, 2010 14:05

Just a really small icon batch to find a vent to my sorrow after S6 premiere. I know everybody is making icons of Sawyer/Juliet scenes in LA X so this couldn't be more un-creative and un-original but, well, I guess we need this, right?

The thing about this scene is that I love it and hate it at the same time. I think that at least some of you know exactly what I mean. I really need to watch it over and over again. I guess I feel like after, oh idk, like a million repeats it won't be hurting so much, maybe I'll get used to the thought. So basically I'm waiting for my catharsis ;) It's still very far away but I want to believe it'll come to me eventually :) Making icons was a part of my recovery process. Anyway, enough of babbling - to the icons, please ;)

[01-10] Sawyer/Juliet icons (LA X)
[11-12] lame Sawyer/Juliet quote icons (LA X)






I got a little carried away, I know :P

Lost screencaps: LostMedia, luux_lu 
textures&brushes: hybrid genesis, dekolette , violateraindrop 

icons: lost

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