Jul 15, 2005 04:39

I have got to stop with the memes... but i promise that next update shall bring you lots of music & icons ^^ but for now enjoy the yaoi zip; it´s masara minase stuff : D will zip more later ^_____^


This was originally zipped for
shuugasmer, but since megaupload doesn´t have a download limit go ahead :D


01- Please say your name Coppelia Ivanov
02- Does your name have an origin? its the name of a russian ballet, also "coppelia´s coffin" is the name of the op of the anime NOIR, and an ice cream parlor in Cuba xD
03- How long have you liked BLEACH? for about a year
04- Of course, you like Shuuhei, right? xD no, i just bought hisagi-shuuhei.org cuz the name sounds cool :D;;;;
05- You won't mind being cut by Shuuhei? xD excuse me?
06- You won't mind going to Rukongai? for shuu? HELL NO!
07- More like, you're at a level of sickness? XDD whats with the attacks...
08- What was your first impression of him? he´s smexy and has a frickin 69 on  his face
09- What part of him did you fall for? everything
10- When did you start noticing him? his first appearance, chappie 72 xP
11- How long as it been since you were infatuated with him? since i read chapter 72
12- Was there a particular part that made you especially like him? No, i like all of him since i first laid eyes on him
13- Who's your favorite BLEACH character besides Shuuhei? gah, too many...but i guess Mayuri, Ryuuken, Aizen, Soi Fong and Tatsuki.
14- What's your favorite scene?  when he´s with Komamura in Tousen´s friend´s grave.
15- What do you call Shuuhei? Shuu or Hisaboii xD
16- Until his name was mentioned, what did you call him?  teh smexy one
17- What do you think other shinigamis call him? i think he probably has a fame of being a dork and girls adore him because he looks so mysterious but truth is he is just a dork with fetishist tattoos xD
18- If furigana wasn't on his name, would you have been able to read his name? translations pwn j0o XP
19- Is "Hisagi Shuuhei" already entered in Japanese when typing? .....
20- Finally his name was revealed! What did you do the instant you read ch.109? infatuated over the name
21- Until his profile was told, what division did you think he was part of? didn´t give it much thought.
22- What did you think when you found out he was in the 9th division? He looks more like an 11th type of guy because of the scar and tattoos, but we all know he couldn´t b e fukutaichou there so he moved! jaja
23- How do you think Shuuhei thinks about Tousen taichou? I think he admires him so much it borders on obsession
24- How old do you think Shuuhei is (by appearance wise)? 22
25- Please analyze Shuuhei's personality. it´s like asking me to analyze a rock... i mean... We can tell he is a dork because of the extra in chapter 183, we know he blew all of his money on something, and the 69 on his face makes most people think that he has a think for the Kama sutra (AND RENJI :D), we know he isn´t very emotional because in the extra in volume 15 he saw his partners get killed in front of him by a huge hollow and wasn´t scared/sad, of course that´s probably because he went "battle mode".
26- What do you think his height and weight is? i´d say 1.80 and 69 kilos...is that even proportional? xD
27- What do you think he likes to eat? spicy food
28- What do you think he hates to eat? sweets...
29- What kind of position do you think he would be at in a bar? bar-tender
30- Any secrets related to him you can't really say too loudly? he´s the reason for 69 being my favorite number
31- Do you think he's from Rukongai? I´d bet he has noble blood, or from area 1 or something, he doesn´t look like he´s been treated roughly; although those tattoos do make me doubt it.
32- Do you think he has any hobbies?  Lobster Fishing
33- Do you think he works hard? Or do you think he slacks off? He is a genious, i think he slacks off.
34- Who do you think won't get along with Shuuhei? since we haven´t seen much character development... i dont know why but i think Gin wouldn´t stand him.
35- Who do you think would get along with Shuuhei the most? Renji
36- This is one this I can't give up. Please mention your own Shuuhei setting. (ie- personality, hobby, pairing, etc.)   I think he´s a dork, punkish, serious, cold guy. He enjoys lobster fishing and having conversations with Renji, of course he is as gay as a christmas tree and his lover boy is Renji. In the past he was all infatutated with Tousen but eventually got over it. Before Renji there was Kaien and before Kaien there was Kanisawa.
37- If you own a site, do you have anything related to Shuuhei? i just bought hisagi-shuuhei.org and my blog´s layout features him.
38- More like, is it the main contents? for h-s.org it will be.
39- What's your favorite pairing with Shuuhei? Renji x Shuuhei are TEH OTP MAN! 
40- Please feel free to rant all you want about that pairing. i think it began as just sex but then they got used to each other and it became something more.
41- To be honest, I like this pairing too. . . (that's related to Shuuhei) i also like Shuuhei x Matsumoto, Shuuhei x Akon, Shuuhei x Kaien, Shuuhei x Kira, Shuuhei x Kira x Renji, Shuuhei x Renji x Byakuya and practically everyone x Shuuhei.
42- Is he an uke? Or is he seme? Depends on who he is paired with.
43- Where do you think his weak points are. He´s too confident.
 44- Do you think he's plain with pervie stuff? Or. . . HE IS A PERV! FOR SHUU´S SAKE! HE HAS A FRIGGIN 69 ON HIS FACE!
45- In chapter 101, why do you think Shuuhei went to stop Kira instead of Hinamori? Cuz he wants to have hot man sex0rz wit him and Renji :D
46- After that, he takes him to the cell. What do you think happened there? tsssk...read above
47- Do you think there are other vice captains that are his former classmates? Nope
48- Does your heart start beating just by looking at "69"? YES! IT REMINDS ME OF SHUU!
49- Bluntly, what does 69 mean? Renji=6, Shuu=9, Renji +Shuu= 69
50- What happened to his sleeves that was there in his first appearance in chapter 72?! Renji cut them
51- How do you think he got his 3 scars? (shiro- although, it was told. . . if you have other wishes, feel free to state it!) its a bdsm scar Renji gave him xD *whip*
52- Is there something wrong with your brain? You may ask that at the following questions. Do you wish to follow? indeed
53- Are there any clothes you wish for him to wear? punkish clothes, like a tie and those squared red pants with chains
54- Any song that might suit him? Haven´t found the Shuu song yet
55- More like, any song you wish for him to sing. . .? Id like him to sing something punk-ish, i dont know why i imagine him singing to Goldfinger´s 99 red balloons, then again i see shuu to be more of a bass player than a singer.
56- If he lived in the modern world, what kind of job do you think he would have? a police detective
57- And what kind of place would he like? busy streets of tokyo
58- If he were to play an instrument, what would suit him? BASS
59- Ok. End of fantasizing~ (how short?) If you think that wasn't enough, feel free to rant~ XD
60- Lately, what kind of times do you think 'I like Shuuhei~'? huh?
61- Is there anything you did because you liked him? bought the domain
62- Do you wish for him to appear more in the future? OF COURSE!
63- What is something you can do for Shuuhei right now? adore him even more by iconizing him/makin him shrines/etc xD
64- Do you feel like actually doing it? HELL YES
65- If you can be a BLEACH character for a day, who would you be? (besides Shuuhei) RENJI :D AND GET IT ON WITH SHUUHEI... yes im weird like that, id videotape it too :D
66- And what would you do to Shuuhei (what would you ask him to do to you)? tssk..
67- Do you think you Shuuhei fever will go down anytime soon? eventually ;_;
68- What is Shuuhei to you? the reason for reading bleach :D;;;;
69- Finally, scream A single WORD out at him. Smexy

(Taken from mp_death)

meme, yaoi

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