Sep 10, 2009 22:18

Hi! Hello! As I may have mentioned, I kind of sort of LOVE SUPERNATURAL!

Okay, but first Vampire Diaries . Not half bad! I admit that I was very much looking forward to this: I LOVED the books back when I was 12. I was totally fannish about them without even knowing what fandom was - there was flailing and shipping and sitting around making up perfect cast lists. I even wore one of those rings for a few years.

So, I was totally prepared for the show to be really stupid and bad and stomp on all my good memories and make me blush about how stupid I was 15 years ago, and I actually liked it! It made a decent effort to be creepy, and it knows how stupid it could be, so I am hoping it avoids the Twilight clone trap. I really like the girl who plays Elena.

ALSO: DAMON SALVATOR. My first fannish love! In the smirking, swaggering, hedonistic, flirting with his brother flesh. He's sort of my fannish PROTOTYPE, and Ian is doing him justice so far. I predict much flailing!

ETA: Via TWOP The Further Diaries of the Vampires! OMG LESTAT'S! HEEE!

And the big one! I am not quite coherent, but OMFG SUPERNATURAL . This show owns my soul, people! I don't think I will ever love any media anything as much as I love this.

The ep more than lived up to my expectations! Sam's puppy eyes! Bobby being MEAN! I KNEW there was something deeply wrong with our SamandDean universe when Dean didn't go off when Bobby suggested that they should have let Sam die .(Wow, this show has a kink for torturing Dean with the face of someone he loves!), Dean as the ANGEL CONDOM! (heee!) CAS KICKING ASS! (oh, I ship them so damn hard!) Dean and the not trusting Sam because Sam didn't pick him! (*TEARS* Someone needs to love Dean best, god damned it!)

Lucifer!guy looks to be a nice addition to our little world. I KNEW they wouldn't go simple on us, but the character looks deeply textured and well thought through, and I am glad to see that the actor looks up for the challenge!

vampire diaries, supernatural

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