2008! Stop sucking! You hear me?

Feb 03, 2008 20:23

I went to a geek night last night til about 1 am. Came home, vegged for a bit, then went to sleep around 3 or so. I slept til 2 in the afternoon. Watched The Addams Family from the couch, since sitting at my desk seemed a bit much to ask of my body, then went back to bed until 7. Once again, I have been on the couch since getting up. Except for, y'know, right now. I'm at my desk typing this.

Tomorrow I'm going to work for the Hollises again, because I don't want to let them down again, but if BECC calls and asks me to sub I am saying no. I just had trouble walking down the hall (dizzy and stumbly again), and I'm well-rested and my stomach is full. I am sick. They can suck it. They can suspect that I'm lying, they can accuse me of slacking because I just gave notice. I doooon't caaaare.

Half o.j. and half cranberry juice (not cocktail, real juice) make the bestest juice ever.
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