Nov 05, 2004 00:03
theFunone777: hey
strongbad675: yes......
theFunone777 wants to directly connect.
theFunone777 is now directly connected.
strongbad675: oh god
strongbad675: what is it bush with a dunce hat on
strongbad675: ?
theFunone777: no
theFunone777: its better
strongbad675: uh huh
theFunone777: hld up
strongbad675: ..............
strongbad675: im waiting for your pathetic attempt to make me angry
theFunone777: no, not angry, just funny
strongbad675: uh huh
strongbad675: anytime
theFunone777: and true
strongbad675: well you and i have different definitions on true
theFunone777: how can 59,054,O87 be so dumb? (pic of bush)
strongbad675: ive seen it already
strongbad675: you know what i say
theFunone777: i love it
strongbad675: WAH WAH WAH
strongbad675: go home and cry
theFunone777: dude, this is a british magazine
strongbad675: i know
theFunone777: so its not only us
theFunone777: just wanted to point that out
strongbad675: yeah its the peopel against tony blair
strongbad675: people
strongbad675: which is msot of britain
strongbad675: most*
theFunone777: ppl in this country care more about gays getting married than the their own safety and healtcare
theFunone777: healthcare*
strongbad675: ......
theFunone777: thats sad
strongbad675: 11 out of 50 states voted to ban gay marriages
strongbad675: 11!
strongbad675: no 48
theFunone777: and thats what it came down too, the morals
strongbad675: 11
theFunone777: dude, only 11 had that ammendment
strongbad675: and we are safer with bush
strongbad675: i know
theFunone777: thats why we had 9/11 and a war in the wrong place
strongbad675: soo that means
theFunone777: we are safe!
strongbad675: uh too bad 9/11 was carried over from clinton
strongbad675: and N. KOREA was carried over from clinton
strongbad675: and for you it may be the wrong war
strongbad675: but i havent seen us get attacked lately
strongbad675: have you?
theFunone777: too bad 8 months, 8 months! bush was in office, and he couldnt hold 1 meeting! he couldnt raise the terror alert just a little, no, he just sat back and let happen and capitalizw on it
strongbad675: has someone attacked a forest
strongbad675: we didnt have terror alert
theFunone777: capitalize*
theFunone777: something dude, anything
theFunone777: some kind of warning
strongbad675: too bad edwards ANDA KERRY NEVEER WENT TO A MEETING LAST YEAR
strongbad675: they never went to a senate meeting
theFunone777: now, fucking every major holiday we have the terror is at like red
strongbad675: ok
strongbad675: as it shoudl be
strongbad675: should
theFunone777: too bad that kerry and edwards metting are like 1/100th of the importance of a bush meeting
strongbad675: the macy's day parade
theFunone777: and i am not even comparing bush to kerry anymore
strongbad675: you shouldnt
strongbad675: cause kerry lost
theFunone777: this county doesnt know good frm bad anymore
strongbad675: and cant compare
strongbad675: yeah
strongbad675: you should leave
strongbad675: do the countru some good
strongbad675: and fucking leave
theFunone777: what has to happen to this country dude
theFunone777: tell me
theFunone777: apparently an attack, a war, and lost jobs isn't it
strongbad675: whatcha mean
strongbad675: what has to happen for people to realize a democrat should be in
strongbad675: ?
theFunone777: w/e, im not getting anywhere with
theFunone777: u
strongbad675: no
strongbad675: cause im getting pissed off at you
strongbad675: you keep imposing your fucking belief
strongbad675: well guess what
theFunone777: oh, cuz a democrat was in office the last 4 years
strongbad675: your belief is dead and gone for four years
theFunone777: im just stating the obvious
theFunone777: and who do u have to back u up? the dakotas, whyoming, and texas
strongbad675: whats obvious dude
theFunone777: what great states
strongbad675: wow
strongbad675: equality of man
strongbad675: buddy
strongbad675: we beat you by 30
strongbad675: so we couldve lost wyoming and new mexico and everything else
theFunone777: ur telling me that n. dakota and new york have the same weight, as far as intelelct and culture
strongbad675: aslong as we had ohio
theFunone777: pleez, the hicks and backwards south had the power
theFunone777: it helps when electing OUR FUCKING LEADER!!!
strongbad675: no
strongbad675: since when
strongbad675: does someone who has equal oppurtunities to vote
theFunone777: it says something when a bunch of idiots vote for someone
strongbad675: should be disregarded for someone who has a prada bag
theFunone777: it speaks loud and clear
strongbad675: and drives a lexus
strongbad675: WELL GUESS
strongbad675: WHAT
strongbad675: WE WON
strongbad675: ALRIGHT
strongbad675: WE WON
strongbad675: STOP BITCHING
theFunone777: no,not a prada bag, a brain, a cultural backgroung and moralit
strongbad675: AND LIVE WITH IT
theFunone777: morality*
strongbad675: yeah you know whats funny
theFunone777: oh yea, in 2 years WE ARE ALL GONNA LOSE
strongbad675: kerry is a self proclaimed christian right?/
theFunone777: and even tho i wont be seeing u, ill think of this
strongbad675: the second one in history right
strongbad675: besides kennedy
strongbad675: right?
theFunone777: dude, bush and the rest of his voters are fucking elitists cuz they think onl y they will go to Heaven, no one else
theFunone777: yea
strongbad675: ok
strongbad675: w/e you say
strongbad675: now
strongbad675: tell me
strongbad675: if he is proclaimed christian
strongbad675: why didnt he win the christian vote
theFunone777: uh hu
strongbad675: hmm
strongbad675: more christians voted for bush
strongbad675: and a significant aount too
theFunone777: becasue chritstians dont know for some reason this is a secular state
strongbad675: 55%
strongbad675: o so christians are blamed
theFunone777: no, i am answering ur question
theFunone777: i blame the uneducated drones
strongbad675: o i see
strongbad675: so democrats and yourslef
strongbad675: arent eliteist
strongbad675: right?
theFunone777: nope
strongbad675: calling everyone republican mindless drones?
theFunone777: ppl wont open their eyes
theFunone777: no, the results speak for themselves
theFunone777: I dont have to say anything, but I guess I just did
theFunone777: it doesnt matter, ur right
theFunone777: "u" won
theFunone777: and pleeez understand that I am not trying to dodge that fact
theFunone777: and if you could at least aknowledge that, then im OK
theFunone777: chrissssssss, dont hate me because of this, sorry if im so passionate........
strongbad675: ok dude
strongbad675: watch some more michael moore
strongbad675: go on
strongbad675: passionate?
strongbad675: no
strongbad675: anti american
theFunone777: ok, ill give u the benefit of the doubt
theFunone777: are we ok now?
strongbad675: i doubt it
strongbad675: id be ok if stop imposing
theFunone777: ok, its a start
strongbad675: so rally up with you and your celebrity friends and go jump on with kerry and all go join the french army
strongbad675: wait
strongbad675: didnt kerry say we need to eb unified?
strongbad675: ya know
strongbad675: after he lost
strongbad675: be*
theFunone777: yea
strongbad675: ok
strongbad675: well
strongbad675: ya know
strongbad675: everyone that has followed kerry
strongbad675: is not only seperating themselves
strongbad675: but starting fights
strongbad675: or aruments
strongbad675: now
strongbad675: if you REALLY wanted this guy to win
theFunone777: and this is a factm u know this after 2 days ?
strongbad675: well
strongbad675: lets see
strongbad675: you
strongbad675: havent shutup
theFunone777: lol, this was the first time i was so into it
strongbad675: i go on poltical forums
strongbad675: and they
strongbad675: dont shutup
strongbad675: well its the first time you dont shutup
theFunone777: the rest of the week was just cheap shots and u and I both were engaging in
strongbad675: on xbox live!
strongbad675: they dont shutup
theFunone777: w/ sorry if im upset
strongbad675: upset?
strongbad675: why?
strongbad675: is the world gonna blow up?
strongbad675: will every nuke in the world explode?
theFunone777: im taking ur advice
theFunone777: im shutting up
strongbad675: will we be forced to cannibalism?
strongbad675: as will i
strongbad675: btw
strongbad675: my dad likes you
theFunone777: even if it spells u calling this arguement a win for u, im just stopping
theFunone777: cuz it aint worth it
strongbad675: this isnt about winning the argument
theFunone777: at least not to me
strongbad675: its about you......
strongbad675: accepting the fact
strongbad675: that you lost
theFunone777: like I said, I accept the fact
strongbad675: and to be HUMBLE!
strongbad675: your not being humble
strongbad675: you lsot by a significant amount
theFunone777: and with that said, im done
strongbad675: if this was 2000
strongbad675: ok
theFunone777: so long dude
strongbad675: by
im beginning to hate him....i dont know why.....AGAIN I WANT THIS ELECTION TO BE OVER!!!!!!!!! so shutup!!!