Jan 24, 2012 12:30
- Mon, 12:32: I just ousted @ purphaize as the mayor of Compton-Goethals Building - The City College of New York on @ foursquare! http://t.co/a9pX2pBZ
- Mon, 14:17: I'm at Chipotle Mexican Grill (19 Saint Marks Pl, btw 2nd & 3rd Ave, New York) w/ 3 others http://t.co/NOJrjP8Z
- Mon, 14:49: Photo: I wrote this for my mother when I was just a few years old. I drafted a contract in which I made my... http://t.co/xJesxnoy
- Mon, 14:54: Photo: Old habits really do die hard. SHELL ART IS OVER! #portlandia #me (Taken with Instagram at Astor... http://t.co/vKDNCjwo
- Mon, 15:03: "Atrak Live" http://t.co/ikE4Fbfj
- Mon, 15:03: Video: I just filmed a video “Atrak Live” @ webster hall on #viddy http://t.co/ikE4Fbfj http://t.co/X0EEzkDg
- Mon, 16:31: I'm at Crumbs Bake Shop (37 E 8th St, at University, New York) http://t.co/G90SuOlj
- Mon, 16:37: Photo: Should I get this? #me (Taken with Instagram at Village Party Store- Halloween Headquarters) http://t.co/FE8thPeX
- Mon, 16:41: It's the year of the dragon so it's all about me! #fb
- Mon, 16:50: I'm at Down the Hatch (176 W 4th St., btwn 6th & 7th Ave., New York) w/ 2 others http://t.co/v7Aw6pTB