I don't even know where to begin. . .

Aug 26, 2005 00:12

It seems like there has been a lot of unneccesary drama on livejournal with a few people recently. Now, I know I'm not exactly one to talk because there have been a few occasional times where I was feeling a bit juvenile and started some drama myself, but it wasn't like the drama that's been going on with a few people recently. First of all, I just got disadded from someone's friend's list because I had someone else on my list that apparently insulted them. Now, I would like to know how that has anything to do with me? Whatever, though, if that's how people feel I can't do anything to change it. And then on a community that I'm in a girl that I really like and have as a friend was insulted and "scolded" by ignorant girls who know nothing about her situation. Now, again, I don't have much room to talk because I'll admit that I'm probably ignorant about a lot of things; but those things that I don't know anything about, I try to keep my mouth SHUT about or I express my opinion but say I could be wrong because I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about. Anyway, I'm dragging out the point that I'm trying to make. The main jist of what I'm trying to say really is that if you have a problem with someone else on here, get over it and just don't read that person's journal or talk to that person. It's really that simple. This is just the internet and you don't have to talk to people that you don't like. Hell, you don't have to talk to people in your actual life that you don't like. So can we all just please graduate highschool already and move on with our lives? There are much more important things to worry about. Now, I like the occasional arguement and debate myself, but not when all it is is people throwing insults at each other. You can call people ugly slut bitches all day and all night if you want but that won't change the fact that this is just the internet and nothing you say about a person really matters because you don't really know them.

Alright that was probably stupid and most likely didn't make sense, but there are just a few things that happened on here that really annoyed me. The thing that happened on babygear annoying me the most.

So let's see. I mowed the grass today for my dad because he gets home from Vegas tonight - any minute actually. And then I did random housework that needed to be done: dishes, laundry, and I swept again because I had tracked grass in the kitchen. Then I played with Hannah and all that good stuff. Around 7 I went over to Bryan's and drove him to the store because all he has right now is his tow truck from work and he's not allowed to drive that when he's not working. He bought The Ring Two and when we got back to his house I put Hannah in her crib over there so she could go to sleep and then we watched it. Now, I know what you are all probably thinking and no, nothing went on. We just watched the movie and that's all. I'm pretty sure he's finally given up trying to get in my pants and has settled for strictly being friends. Which I'm glad because as much of an ass as Bryan can be, I do like us being friends again. Hating each other was getting complicated. After the movie, me and Hannah came home and I put her in her crib and then got on here to start messing around. The Ring Two was actually not that bad, it didn't scare me all that much. Parts of it were creepy, but the end had more closure so it was all kind of settled in my mind. It's actually pathetic how much scary movies scare me. (Ashley, you and I were just talking about this on AIM, lol.) I refuse to watch Poltergeist because I know how bad it will scare me. I also refuse to watch The Excorsist: The Beginning, or whatever, because I know that that will scare me. I know, I'm pathetic. It happens.

Bryan said he's getting Hannah tomorrow after he gets off work and then I'm going to pick her up on Saturday afternoon because he has some things for work that he has to do. And I know he can't help when he has to work, but it just annoys the piss out of me that ALWAYS finds a way not to spend more than 24 hours with Hannah. Oh well, though, there's nothing I can really do about it. At least if he ever bitches at me about not seeing her enough I can throw in his face how he ALWAYS brings her back early on the weekends. ALWAYS.

Alright, well that's all I have to say for now. I'll probably update with pictures tomorrow because I took a few really good ones of my baby. :-)

Oh, and I would also just like to say, so that everyone knows, I REALLY REALLY like everyone that I have on my friend's list. I don't just have people on there that I sort of like maybe alright, I REALLY like you all!

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