Jul 13, 2005 20:42
So nick came over today and that was fun.
he helped me figure out how to get pics on my
live journal thank you GOD but you can see that
from looking at the hot gothy chick in another
entry aren't her boots pretty . but then we also
went down town and got BRAIN FREEZIES, oh so then
we're walking along going to get the brain freezies
and their are these stupid kids trying todo tricks
on their skate boards has anyone ever noticed that
thats how it is its never people doing tricks its
always people TRYING todo tricks so anyways we're
walking by and one of these kids is like "hey will
you give me a dollar if I do this trick" and nicks
like "no" and I just kind of say "sorry I'm broke"
even though we're going to place to buy brain freezies
so then the kid goes "what about a quarter" and we're like
"nope" and the kid goes "your homeless aren't you"
and we're like "yup" and then this other midgety little
kid that makes allen look tall goes "can I have a
cigerette" and we just go (in unisin I might add)"nope"
wow my head is dissy from typing all these yups and
nopes and likes oh my god the likes I must DELETE
this word from my vocabulary its pathetic anyway
none of that matters now because I got my
happy happy happy happy