Dec 16, 2011 05:36
[ The first thing you will notice when looking at this transmission is a zoetrope sitting on a desk, obstructing most of the video feed.
The second thing you might notice are a pair of feet in the background; specifically a pair of feet sticking out from under a bed.
The third thing you will notice is-- ]
No! No, hey, come b-- You'll be much happier back in the closet, I promise! Just get oOW! Christ, see, that's why I wanted bourbon and not you...
[ And the rest? Well, expect some more muttering and cursing and... maybe a nervous howl or whimper. Conversation? You'll have to strike up one of your own, he's a little busy under that bed, sorry. ]
i have no under-the-bed icon so...,
aww tentapuppy,