(no subject)

Sep 03, 2003 21:01

ok ok ok
sleepy head ted broadcasting from mom's computer tonite hehe,
no it's not necessary for you to inform me that i am an idiot.
the senior lock-in was alright
altho i have trouble around a lot of people
i'm not the hugest socialite around
not to the point where i'm completely anti-social
but i have troubles in big groups
& i feel i've distanced myself still from many people in the senior class.
i'm not really worried about it tho,
because i dont share the same lifestyle as many people in the class.
but i started enjoying myself when car & i brought out the saran wrap
& a few of us saran wrapped the front doors/entrances to the school/lockers
but by 6am the janitors had taken it down
altho they really werent supposed to
& i was a bit upset by that because i really wanted to make an impression
on the new 6th graders
& i felt like all was lost until the seniors got on stage in front of the whole school that morning
the play was better than i thought
but i'm hoping we're really going to make an impression on the last day
because i AM saran wrapping the school.

& deathshand & morbidwraith
i loved that little note on my car yesterday
i dunno, i was in such a bad mood
& it just made me feel better
because it was a cute idea hehe.
& it made me happy
& i'm just repeating myself.

& my exhibition is up at Central Library
i was so tired, i hadnt slept in over 24 hours
so it was difficult to put up but i got it
& i hope i make some passer by-ers happy
& i'm really really lost now because i am so tired
but i dont have to be in school until 12:30 tomorrow
so that makes me terrifically happy :D

i'm also in love with my legwarmers
thanks brad (=^.^=) chubby kitty
that reminds me, nyla is ok
bladder crystals is whats making my poor lovie upset
& with medication she'll get better but fatter. :(
oh gosh everything is so jumbled
i will go to bed
night kittens
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