And suddenly, it's been more than two months since I've last really paid attention to LJ... Mostly because of the baby, but there's also the fact that I got tired of Star Trek-stuff and dodging spoilers.
I hope all of you had a lovely summer, though. :)
But now...the Show!
Spoilers up to and including 5x01 )
But why are they nutshelling only season 4? Certainly they can't think no one needs to know about oh, Mary, John, all that?
I didn't even pay any attention to that, but it's a good question. Maybe they thought that ever since the angels beamed down, the apocalypse became such a strong focal point that they drew the line there.
I like the new title card. You can never go wrong with pretty splatters of blood. And the whispering. And the pulse.
YES. \o/
But at least you're not Lying to Your Brother. Let's keep it that way, hmm?
*nods* And let's keep Sam and Dean still hunting together. Because bad things happen when they're not together.
The Box O' Silver Bullets!
I noticed that, too, and wondered what need the boys would have for silver bullets. :)
That's a nice bit of framing, Dean talking to Sam, the mirror reflecting only Sam.
\o/ \o/
And as comic reliefs go, methinks I'd stand her.
As a comic relief, she was good. Maybe we could've done without her reading her fic out loud (she could've just squeed over Sam (and maybe the Sam/Dean UST) with other Sam girls on IM or something), because all the people whose interests wincest is relevant, already know about it.
You'd think Bobby'd have all sorts of funky demon-repellant tattoos (hush, brain, hush), but 'parently not.
Tattoos, obscure rites performed in Latin, charms... something. Because it's Bobby.
the rib-sign
Hee, Castiel didn't ask too carefully if the boys wanted an Enochian sigil carved into their ribs. :) But what I want to know is how will Castiel find them from now on? Or he is permanently tuned to Dean due to the hand print?
So, how are you doing? Been a busy two months, I suspect. I hope everything's going well. *HUGS*
Because bad things happen when they're not together.
As evidenced by this ep, too. Sam goes, Dean gets his ass almost kicked.
Bobby's possession seems to have been a surprise to a number of fans. Because we've thought he, of all the people, would be so secured the demons wouldn't be able to even get a whiff of him...
Re: Castiel and the sigil
Maybe he's not an angel as defined by the sigil? Or it might be a case of hidden-unless-known, or some such?
Bobby's possession seems to have been a surprise to a number of fans.
Well, we've kind of had this image of Big, Bad Demon Expert. And now he went and got himself possessed. :P
Maybe he's not an angel as defined by the sigil?
Ooo, that's a good point. Maybe there's more to Cas than meets the eye. *scratches head*
Re: Bobby
Obviously, he was having a bad day. :p
There's more to Cas, if only because of his dead-i'm-not-trick. I wonder how he'll act in the future, though: no longer the doubting, infatuated with the world-angel, but no longer the angel who's been scolded, returned to the fold, either. I wonder if he'll exhibit some similarities with Anna.
Oooo, indeed. If Cas was worried about having doubts, then he'll sure have a reason to believe again. Also, he kind of reminded me of the Castiel we met in 4x01, except he was now, y'know, killing angels which makes him even more of a badass. :)
Methinks I like the sound of 'disillusioned angel'. Very, very much.
And keep thinking of Tyrael. Which isn't a bad thing. At all.
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