Randomnalia - sort of SPOILERS up to 4x05

Oct 20, 2008 23:23

First, a quote for today... "What's bred in the bone will come out in the blood."
A) Damn it, but I completely missed halfshellvenus' birthday yesterday! Sorry, love! *HUGS*
Any bunnies you'd like me to try my pen with? Alas, Supernatural may be the only fandom we share... :p
B) Question: Is Sam aware of Lucifer?
Thought: Every time that particular name's been thrown, it's been to Dean's face, Sam not privy to the conversations between Dean and Casey ("Sin City", 3x04) and Dean and Castiel ("Are You There, God? It's Dean Winchester", 4x02).
Curious, but probably just a coincidence, is how Casey and Castiel begin the same way...
C) Dean's been feminized during S4: First the name of 4x02, now his comment in 4x05. And he's getting constantly almost-necked by guys.
D) Rec: Go read azephirin's episode coda to 4x04, Never Named. Just... Ow. And wow.
E) If only I'd had my camera and could've taken a picture while in the bus this morning... hugemind, the Sky! PRETTY! Here, have a couple of pics from last summer instead, taken last July, around sunset...

*HUGS you all*
I'm sorry for not really being able to hang around the LJ longer. It's already more than an hour after my bed time. *siiiigh*

random, supernatural, rec, rambling

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