tigriswolf has bred many
plotwolves/bunnies/wyverns, so I'm taking a page out of her book and archive some ideas/concepts that I know I can't write yet, either for lack of time or talent.
There's slash, wincest, gen, too. And things that could go any way. All for Supernatural, because I may be promiscuous, but also fiercely obsessed.
If anyone feels an
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I read two chapters of Dazzleland a while ago but the fic so long that I can't justify reading it at the moment. I've liked it so far, though, and seeing you squee over it like that makes me determined to finish it at some point. :)
Post the bunnies! Who knows, maybe a little Muse-swapping will set the rails straight again!
Dazzleland is long, and so far (reading chapter 5) it's been good. I'm hoping like hell that the rest is okay, too, that it won't 'jump the shark'. But... the characters ring true. Sometimes painfully, sometimes adorably. I'm not sure how partial I am when Elise Simon is concerned, though. For an OFC, she could be a whole hell of a lot worse. Besides, I'm hoping to get my hurt!Sam kicks out of this fic... ;)
Reading relatively long fics/watching movies or episodes of tv shows is a good pastime while one's hands are busy with the crafts. That's the only excuse to how I've found time for the fic. :)
The Voicemails is... every time I watch ( ... )
Unfortunately, I know how that goes. That one little flash, the feelings the boys are going through right then and there, a detail so intriguing that it needs a story around it... Some bunnies are nice and hop around long enough for the Muse to show up, but the other sneaky lil' critters are truly ev0l.
I love the voice mail idea (and sound effects would be a really nice touch). The Muse has nothing to say about it though, so I can't give it a go, but there's a lot of potential for angst.
The Sam/Henricksen dynamic would be interesting as we've seen only Dean interacting with the agent so far. And if Henricksen happened to spot conspicuous bruises on Sam... Oh, man. Better not think about that too hard so that the bunnies keep their distance. ;)
The Muse is helping me ( ... )
It's the female brain, love. My condolences.
There's a fic which is waiting for me to finish its sequel before I dare to post it. It was supposed to be completely random PWP, and then sprouted ten years worth of history all of a sudden. *sigh*
And, of course, there's the Altar Sex-fic for DJ100. I say "PWP, damn it!" My brain says "No, no, no...we needses background and exposition first!"
But at least I have the Sign-thing, which is rapidly turning into a mindfuck... :p
The voicemail-idea is something I'd love to do so very, very much, but, alas... maybe next year...?
"You know what happens to guys with bruises like that, Sam? You know what happens to them in prison?"
Do you think it's possible to male-ify the brain? ;)
It was supposed to be completely random PWP, and then sprouted ten years worth of history all of a sudden.
Yeah, for me, it's either cutting straight to the pr0n or writing 3k to justify top!Dean. Wait a minute, that's not right! I should be able to write top!Dean without feeling like I'm a freak. *cries out in frustration* The fact that he's topping Demon Jesus himself is completely irrelevant.
Oh, the voicemails. *ponders for a moment* Dean subtly going through the five stages of grief while he angsts about being left again? Leaving one message while he's drunk off his ass? John feeling very guilty after each message from the boys? I'm really hoping that your Muse will feed this bunny someday...
You tempt me with that line. Quit tempting me! ;) My Henricksen is still in NBK mode and seriously messed up, so I'm afraid that have no decent comeback for the line. Sorry. :)
Only if you develop an unreasonable fascination with soccer/hockey and insist that beer is a vital part of the food pyramid and sausages are vegetables... ;)
I should be able to write top!Dean without feeling like I'm a freak. *cries out in frustration* The fact that he's topping Demon Jesus himself is completely irrelevant.
*joins the club* Why on earth is it so hard to write a top!Dean? Especially with Demon Jesus Sam? *wails together with you*
I just read the part about "John feeling guilty after each massage from the boys" and, well... Crack fic and/or daddycest. :D
Sorry. Bunny's been broken by the porny giggles.
Henricksen in NBK-mode is good. All sorts of nuts, but in a very twisted way good. And maybe he'd like to save Sam from that horrible, horrible Dean... and then Gordon and he could start arguing about which one of the Winchesters is worse. ;)
Crack fic and/or daddycest.
Why am I thinking about angsty daddycest that starts out rather innocently? Dude, I'd rather not write a daddycest!fic because I don't think I could keep the Winchester males in character.
And maybe he'd like to save Sam from that horrible, horrible Dean... and then Gordon and he could start arguing about which one of the Winchesters is worse. ;)
Oh, man, now that's a fic I'd like to read! *reminds herself that she doesn't need more plot bunnies hopping around*
Before this fandom, I was against all sorts of incest. Adult siblings is more than okay, now, but I still can't stand parent/child-stuff. But now I'm beginning to think that one really should never ever say "I'll never write (take your pick)", at least in this fandom.
This idea...Onesided daddycest? Mutual feelings akin to love and/or lust, but without touching the other, sort of?
I can see that.
Now, if only I could get into John Winchester's headspace, I'd be all set to writing that masturbation wannabe-PWP...With Angst, of course. Can't get away from Angst. Not me. Not in this fandom. :p
Supernatural really is roofies. Here I am, contemplating incest of the kind I'm staunchly against...*headdesk*
Gordon/Henricksen non-sexual "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"-fic, going straight to the ideas I wanna see some day.
Enemy, not enema. *needs to wake up*
*needs to re-install censors in head, or get rid of the gutters*
I'll just go play with the (plot)puppies now.
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