"The Angel In The House": On the Presence of a Higher Power

Oct 24, 2007 12:44

For more than two full seasons, Kripke and co. have showered us with reds and yellows, demons and hellspawn.
But Evil loses its meaning without the presence of Good.
Warning: this is more a rambling list than anything else. My OCD was also on a roll, but got distracted. :)
Spoilers up to and including 3x03 )

meta, supernatural, season 1, rambling, zany, season 3, thinky thoughts, season 2, details

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Comments 48

hearseeno October 24 2007, 11:37:01 UTC
The surest way to ensure Sam's loss of humanity was not killing him, but destroying the last thing he holds dear. And the boys know that their enemies know this.
*crosses fingers*Yep. That's where my thoughts about the yellow and red in episodes 2 and 3 are taking me, too. If the red/yellow signs are hinting at a demonic hand behind the scenes in BDaBR, then the function of the rabbit's foot was to tighten the net around Sam. He is now even further isolated and under pressure. Not only are other hunters perceiving him as a "fool" who bumbled his way into letting the Hell Gate open, but now as the architect of the unleashing of Hell's contents into the world ( ... )


sadelyrate October 24 2007, 21:24:40 UTC
First of all... *HUGS*
I can't believe people are actually willing to read through all this.

Sam's certainly suffering of a bad case of the Saviour Syndrome, no question about it.

The revelation about the people who knew Mary dying got me thinking, and then with 3x03 and this idea ambushing me... We don't honestly know nearly enough about that woman. Now I'm just looking at all the titles of the Biblical Mary, wondering how many (if any) fit the woman only known as Mary Winchester.
Her being once an angel or something along those lines would also explain her "It's you"-reaction to the YED. For wouldn't the servant of a Higher Power know their opponents?

I'm not sure if this is even distantly canonical, but... It would fit, damn it. *tries to patiently wait for each new episode and not get spoiled even for the episode names before hand*


deathisyourart October 24 2007, 16:06:32 UTC
Oh, I like this! And Mary being an angel would fit with all the hints towards the Nephilim. It would be a different spin since Nephilim had angel fathers and human mothers, but I would really like that spin.


sadelyrate October 24 2007, 21:36:57 UTC
Nephilim are certainly an idea. I'm pretty sure I've seen somewhere a meta about all the signs pointing towards them but seems like I can't find it in my bookmarks... *scratches head*
After S1, Simon Said (2x05), I was rather certain Sam and all the other PsyKids were Indigo Children, though.

I want to know why we've been repeatedly told that "It's all about (Sam)". Is that statement true, or just a red herring? But if Mary was powerful, was important, why would the YED apparently so callously just kill her?
So many questions, so few answers and each episode seems to just promise more and more of the earlier... *shakes her head*


deathisyourart October 24 2007, 22:10:59 UTC
It might just be that Mary was no longer important, or just too much of a danger once Sam was born.

And there was a meta on the use of the Azazel symbol which led to the discussion of Nephilim, but I think I missed the one the discussed them at length. I stopped trying to make the connection last year because it suggested that John wasn't Sam's father, and I am just not willing to ever accept that!

For a second I was thinking that Ruby was a parallel to Mary, and Mary would turn out to be a demon doing good, but then her spirit wouldn't have been trapped in the house leading up to "Home". However, if she was an Angel in human form then she would have a spirit that could get trapped in the house.

Should the fact that I have about half of the characteristics of an Indigo Child scare me?


sadelyrate October 25 2007, 09:32:18 UTC
You're right about Mary possibly outlasting her usefulness.

What intrigues me about the angel/sticking around after her demise is what was said in Houses of the Holy (2x13) about the seance: "But if it's an angel, it won't show. Nothing will happen."
But if the boys haven't met an angel before, how does Sam know that? Or was that seance "Spirits Only"?
There's also the fact that Mary's the only 'good' spirit so far to really leave this realm in flame. Father Gregory, Molly and John all went out with soft, pretty lights.

If it makes you feel any better, my kids exhibit a good number of the Indigo Child-attributes, too. Along with me. :)


bowtrunckle October 24 2007, 16:29:54 UTC

This is simply amazing!!!

I'm going to have to read this more carefully when I have more time because RL calls, but I just wanted to zip in and give you a gigantic HUG! *GIGANTIC HUG*

You should post this at spnematography because from the little I've scanned people should definitely read this. And all the color analysis would fit perfectly.

I'm really looking forward to talking about this meta with you! :) (You can't get rid of me that easily ... I'll be back.)


sadelyrate October 24 2007, 21:45:09 UTC
I was thinking about you all the way through it, love. :)
Because if Blue and Green really are signs of 'Good', then it's been there as long as the Red and Yellow and 'Evil'.
Alas, only time can tell. *sigh*

Don't worry, I understand perfectly the lack of time. And this is a long-ass ramble, so... *hugs*
I'm amazed people have had the patience to wade through it all. It's astounding, really.
*hugs again*
Thank You!

Crosspost this in spnematography? I considered that when the different background colours for the boys in Houses of the Holy (2x13) jumped me out of the blue.

I look forward to discussing this new revelation to bits with you! And referencing earlier episodes, as well as the forth-coming with this in mind... ;)

What if this is really true? *flails* Think about all the implications! *flails more, remembering the boys' wardrobe, John dying in his blue clothing*


blackjedii October 24 2007, 16:34:38 UTC
Coolness! Thanks for posting because I'm very curious now... :)

When I have a moment I want to go back and look at What Is... again because I really think that the wallpaper in Mary's living room is the same as the motel room in Bad Day at Black Rock. Or else very very close to it.


sadelyrate October 24 2007, 21:49:07 UTC
The wallpaper in Mary's living room is similar in the sense that it has flower/rose-images in it, but that had a pale background, whereas 3x03's motel-wallpaper is bluish in tone. However, that wallpaper is the same as in the upstairs in Home (1x09) and in the first motel room in Faith (1x12). I'm pretty sure it's been around the block a couple of other times, too, though... just can't remember right now. :)

Thank You for reading through all this! But if there's an inkling of truth to this all... *flails* Think of the implications!!!


blackjedii October 24 2007, 22:11:42 UTC
Wow, it's amazing that you remembered those places at all! I'd have had to do an SPN marathon which uh... actually isn't that bad of an idea, is it?

Think of the implications!!!
The 3-Step Guide to Fighting the Supernatural:
1) If it's wearing red/yellow, kill it. (except sam or dean)
2) If it's wearing blue/green, don't kill it.
3) If it's wearing roses or pink, watch out for ceilings and fire!!

(okay okay you can say that stinks now...)


sadelyrate October 25 2007, 10:24:44 UTC
What can I say? I have a weird brain and crazy, crazy memory. ;)

2) If it's wearing blue/green, don't kill it.
Unless they started it. Think about Gordon and Kubrick. :)

Mind if I icon this idea? It sounds just too deliciously cracktastic that...yeah. *fingers itch* I believe I might change the wording, but...
I'd credit you for it, of course.


(The comment has been removed)

sadelyrate October 24 2007, 21:56:06 UTC
Most of those links are just to the gallery page housing the pictures, because I didn't want to hotlink in any way. And it was just easier to find the pictures I wanted than to try and screencap and modify and put them up myself somewhere... *has nothing but utter respect and gratitude to the online galleries and screencap-providers*

Thank you! Nice to know the frothing at the mouth crazy I feel I'm spouting off on occasion makes my brain look good in others' eyes... ;)

This is certainly a handful or a dozen, so I hold no grudge against people who read this in multiple parts/give up in the middle of it/run off to locate the closest funny farm. It's just nothing short of Pure Awesome that people stop to consider this. *smishes the whole damn fandom*

Supernatural's Fandom... is my happy place. Even if the drinks are roofied. ;)


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