Explanation for Icons

Oct 18, 2007 12:51

highwaywoman accepted my plea to play and in my flist, I've seen rivers_bend do this, too.
Comment on this post. I will choose seven userpics from your profile and you will explain what they mean and why you are using them. Post this along with your answers in your own journal so others can play along.

My icons are heavy on Supernatural because that's the only fandom I dabble in at the moment actively.

-This was the first ever icon I did, hyped up on the Show and Boondock Saints. The idea materialized when I ran across wincest, and Winchester Inquisition seemed like a given considering how the boys were making their mark by slaughtering supernatural critters.
It was originally the likeliest icon for me to use. Nowadays, it's a good default icon when I'm not at my most obsessive.

Going through behind the scenes photos from Home (1x09), I couldn't ignore the boys' incredulous look in this. It works well when I run across something that breaks my brain, whether porn or angst or crack... :)

Far as I can tell, the S1 DVDs do not have English subtitles in the menu. But watching said DVDs on my Mac, it's possible to get them. And this is a straight quote from Shadow (1x16), when the boys are getting beating by the daevas the first time.
Taken out of context, it fit perfectly an icon to announce that the post/comment would contain slash. And I wanted rainbow's colours in at least one of my icons.

This is another behind the scenes-photo. This time from Skin (1x06). I have no idea what was going on, but Jared just looks like he's been told something very curious that might not be in the script. And I couldn't resist.
Used generally in answer to comments that try to enable my sick habits...

Meg. I adore the demon known as Meg with passion, and Nicki Aycox would make me renounce male gender in a heartbeat. The picture's from Salvation (1x21), if I remember right.
'Possess' and 'bedevil' are synonyms for 'obsess', and the language-nut in me couldn't resist. It's also very fitting, imo, when I get my detail-fu on...;)

This one was born from need to have a 'thinky'-icon. Though the photo of Jared that I chose makes thinky my downstairs brain rather than the upstairs version...
But then, one might read it as 'Thin King', too, which would fit, considering how lean dear Mr. Padalecki appears in some of his photos. My love for this icon has decidedly grown since joining sammessiah.

sammessiah. Unashamedly, completely thanks to that comm and dreamlittleyo. And that screencap from Everybody Loves A Clown (2x02) has Dean looking so very reverent that all I could think about was that our Demon Jesus' consort needed some love, too. :)
Very rarely used outside of sammessiah and fellow Sammites' LJs. :)

icons, meme

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