Hard to Say ‘Goodbye’

Jan 16, 2008 16:58

Title: Hard to Say ‘Goodbye’
Author: sadeinightshade
Rating: PG
Pairing: Jonne/Christus
Summary: After all, they had tried to help. But he had made his choice.
Notes: (354 words.) Not much to say except I HATE IT WHEN IT’S DRAMA THAT MAKES ME WRITE! Oh, and this one will not be locked.
Dedication: To Christus and his fans everywhere. I hope this little thing doesn’t offend anyone.
Disclaimer: …I know nothing…

It was his choice. It had been from the beginning. He knew it just as well as the others. But…that didn’t make it any easier on any of them.

After all, they had tried to help. But he had made his choice.

Now, there he stood quietly, facing them. Facing them all. But only Jonne was looking at him, and he did not look happy.

The choice had been the typical “Them or us.” He had chosen ‘them’. ‘They’ had been the drugs that began this vicious cycle of rehab and broken promises.

“Stop fucking around,” Jonne told him time and time again in some almost offhand way.

They were not blind to the changes, after all. Especially not Jonne. It took a lot to truly upset the younger man, but he had succeeded several times over since the beginning of this.

Now there was a strange mixture of tension and peace in the air. It was either him or the band and he hated to see the band go. He had made his choice. None of it had been sudden.

“It’s hard to say ‘goodbye’,” Jonne whispered to the floor before he looked up again, blue meeting green. Jonne’s gaze was almost conflicted as he peered into the guitarist’s eyes. “We’ll still be here, Kristian,” he said aloud.

He just nodded, bade everyone goodbye, and was surprised to see that, while they walked away, Jonne remained. The younger stepped forward, in fact, and everything that Jonne wished to say was soon bundled into one soft, brief kiss. He saw the tear when the blonde stepped away-one single tear that fell silently to the floor between them. They offered a pair of sad smiles and Jonne remained there while Sir Christus turned his back.

“I love you, too, Jonne,” he whispered, but when he looked back over his shoulder, Jonne was gone, so he simply left.

There were no hard feelings; just a new sense of emptiness. He knew, somehow, that Jonne felt it, too.

But he had made his choice, even though it made things no easier.

It’s hard to say goodbye…

jonne, negative, christus, ficlet

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