Green Rays of the Blue Sun

Aug 16, 2006 12:02

It is my consensus, that life will not continue its current paradigm of reality objectified perspective whoring.
Meaning, coming home every day after work or school will be done with.
Sitting in your chair watching television will be done with.
Working at your computer will be done with.
Sucking at your governments teete will be done with.
Polluting the atmosphere will be done with.
Marriages will be done with.
Games will be done with.

families may continue, but it might undergo a drastic change.

Money will finally be done with.
Equality will be done with
Seperatism and divisions will be done with.

Routine will most definately change. But its concept is constant so long as life continues.

Your physical appearance may change.

Your focused intent on the future will change.


One might ask why it is my consensus that these things change.

Simply put and without the need for explanation;
"Change is Constant."


Now the world and how it is.

All the population on the planet grows closer and further apart than ever before.

Communication, perhaps even the wrong kind, has become an obliging tumor that we created. We decide to communicate, and without given thought to the consequences rendered by it.
Now, our communication renders the future because we adapt advancing technology to that which is communication.

What are we communicating that is so important?
Who we are as a species.

But it doesnt sound like thats so bad.
Until you ask how it is we are doing as a species which we communicate to ourselves, and every living lifeform around us. Well, would you like to know?

What we once transcended upon our nature of survival for, has become the bane which we are now forcefed.

It is the propaganda, the self-induced zombification which administrations across the globe give in abundance. Our attention. We give it every day now to something.

If it isnt the very taint itself, the pop, the deluted bars, the streets paved with a golden dick, the signs promoting some other pontificated scent or rasberry lip-liner facial scrub. If it isnt the phones we purchase or the games we buy, the solid sticks of gum sold to the poorest bidder.
Then its the time away from reality. Some moment in which we have sub=consciously envisioned ourselves away from physically and vicariously while we watch the evening news. Some part of us reminding us that we are not part of some larger larger plan, or an awful circumstance.
Its the moments lost which go by again and again without our ear to pinch, but a mouth to circulate again.

Always the words, we speak, the opinions, the ideas, but now, everything is blocked...not by filters, but by the duress as our voices begin to bottleneck within each societies clasp.

No your president is not right.

No your leader is not right.

I would call all of you to drop the shackles of whatever form of government you are under.
Time to base your logic, your actions, your emotions on what you think is right, not what they think is right!!!
The only way now to beat ourselves at our own game is to destroy that which we have created, before it destroys everything!!!

No government can exist.

Humans were never meant to be governed....we were meant to live and breath!!!
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