Mar 13, 2004 21:46
Well i just signed up for this:
posted by fickledame:
Buffy/Lindsey Ficathon
So what's a ficathon?
Ficathon? Like where I say, I want this this and this written and in exchange I'll write what you request... Got it? Good.
So what's this ficathon about?
We were looking around the 'net for some B/L fic and found a grand total of two, so we decided to get together and get a B/L ficathon going. It doesn't have to be smut, it can be anything centred around the pairing of Buffy/Lindsey. Or threesomes if that's what floats your boat.
So when do the fics have to be posted?
Signups are until the 25th of March and you will be assigned your fic by the 29th March. The fics will then be posted on 25th April.
So how do I take part?
Just fill in form and leave it as a comment.
Do I need to have a livejournal?
Nope, it can be hosted on a website or if you need someone to host it for you, email Jade and she will put it on the site.
B/L ficathon
Name (your name):
Email (your email address):
Livejournal (your lj username):
Pairing (B/L or threesome):
Requests (1 or 2) (one or two things you'd like in your story, ie: angst, a phrase, a character, exact timeline):
Restrictions (1 or 2) (one or two things you would like not to be in your story, ie: no sex, no mention of a character):
Anything you won't write (anything you really can't/won't write):
Willing to write a back-up fic?:
The form and headings were taken from the Buffy ficathon.
Please, please pimp to LJ's even if you are not taking part. We will be very grateful.
Jade and Kyria.