I don't want to be a downer, but I just feel like writing this down today.
A friend of mine passed away today...from liver ca. It makes me reflect how fast and short life is.
Days and weeks seem to pass by in leaps and bounds. we're just entering into 2016 yesterday it seems and now. its already nearing its end.
Just what have we spent our time on....how do we make it worthwhile
How do we live a life that is worth living and full of meaning
Being a muslim, I believe that we're here for a short time to live a life that is a test. A test of our heart and our faith...
every thing that we do and say will be recorded and we will be judged in the hereafter for what we have done.
We must live a life that is filled with kindness and love
helping, caring, loving those around us
Being kind to other humans whatever their race and religion,
being kind to animals and plants
being of those who build and not of those who destroy